


20 comments posted · 1 followers · following 1

14 years ago @ darrencrawford.com - Getting Things Done In... · 0 replies · +1 points

It won't auto-archive. But turn keyboard shortcuts on.

What I do when running thru the inbox is using the keyboard (j & k move up and down the inbox), I star the emails (using the s key the appropriate number of times) then when I have finished that, I choose ALL EMAILS and then press 'e' to archive (or the archive button). Now my inbox is empty and the necessary emails are starred appropriately.

Hope that helps.


14 years ago @ darrencrawford.com - Getting Things Done In... · 0 replies · +1 points

That is awesome Rebekah. I've ditched any type of email program in favor of using this system completely (since we use Google Apps email at work too). Maybe some day we will get a labs option to tag emails automatically with a different star. That would really help out in your case. Automatic triage.

Hope all is well.


14 years ago @ darrencrawford.com - Getting Things Done In... · 0 replies · +1 points


I've not tried to have it auto-assign the correct star. If I star from my Android phone, it assigns the YELLOW STAR. If I assign from within GMAIL.com, then it assigns the Purple Question mark (instead of the yellow star). Those two are exactly the same thing - just seems the mobile clients can only do one type of star since the 'super stars' apps are in gmail labs.

There might be a script or something that could assign different stars to emails. But frankly, I use the Star/Question to be my tag for emails I want to look at - things I need to read or review. I want to be able to quickly tag all the emails that I need to think more about, then I can check all and archive with just a couple key strokes.

Hope that helps. If not, please elaborate on your question.


14 years ago @ darrencrawford.com - My Simple GTD & Everno... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi David - if you take a look at the earlier reply from 3 days ago that should help.

14 years ago @ darrencrawford.com - My Simple GTD & Everno... · 1 reply · +1 points

Hi Mike - I use the @ symbol in front for a sorting tool. Evernote will sort special symbols ahead of alphanumeric characters. I have used the '.' to push PROJECTS to the top of the list. If I had used @PROJECTS it would've sorted it to the middle of the other @tags and gotten "lost" amongst the other contexts.

@ symbolizes my context's or places that I am. @COMPUTER, @HOME etc... This allows me to search for action items based on "where I am". That way I won't be looking up @COMPUTER when I am at the store and need to be running @ERRANDS :)

Plus when you read it, it sounds like @COMPUTER is when I am "At Computer".

Hope that helps.

14 years ago @ JeffKirvin.net - Evernote for GTD, simp... · 0 replies · +1 points

The power of tags in evernote is, what I think, the feature that really gives it a powerful GTD application.

Very similiar to my original posting - I use additional notebooks once tagged, but I have since added in more powerful tag and search features.


Darren Crawford

15 years ago @ darrencrawford.com - My Simple GTD & Everno... · 0 replies · +1 points

Suzannah - that is good stuff. Once I learned about that trick in gmail I abandoned the extra mailbox idea.  Works like a charm!  Take care!


15 years ago @ darrencrawford.com - My Simple GTD & Everno... · 0 replies · +1 points

Certainly. Please let me know when you post - love to read it.

15 years ago @ Ben Lang, Entrepreneur - Twitter for Entrepreneurs · 1 reply · +1 points

Agree. You have to provide a value to be considered valuable. If you are just "randomly" @replying people that you don't even follow and telling them to click some random link to make millions you are just proving that you "don't get it".

15 years ago @ Ben Lang, Entrepreneur - Top 10 Must Have Plug-... · 1 reply · +1 points

I came across a list the other day of some "PLUGINS THAT ROCK". Hopefully they will be of some value. I don't think the hyperlinks work, but feel free to hit me up on twitter (http://twitter.com/darrencrawford) if you can't find them online.

Audit Trail – Track your members and what pages they visit inside your membership site.
BM Custom Login – This helps you create a custom login window.
FAQ-Tastic – Place a list of FAQ’s on your site.
WP-Polls – Survey your members and get them involved!
Featured Content Gallery – Fancy way to display the top items in your membership
Comment Redirect – Redirect people who leave a comment for the first time to a special page.
Email Commenters – Build an email list of commenters on a particular post.
Amazon S3 – Host your files with Amazon.
WP Print – Make your posts and pages printable.
All in One SEO – Optimize your membership for the search engines.
Google Sitemap – Make your membership site “Google friendly”.
Google Analytics – Analyze the traffic coming to your site.
KB Countdown – Create countdown reminders for your members.
Page Link Manager – Control what pages appear in your navigation bar.
Redirection – Create simple redirection links to certain places in your membership.
PodPress – Broadcast your audio files.
Comment Actions (Paid Plugin) – Let people join your email list when they leave comments.