Alex Billington

Alex Billington


62 comments posted · 18 followers · following 9

15 years ago @ /Film - Is Drag Me To Hell Rea... · 0 replies · 0 points

That's exactly what I thought to... It's like, I'll be damned, this actually makes some sense!

15 years ago @ /Film - Early Twitter Buzz: In... · 1 reply · +1 points

Because it's a WWII movie, it's being sold as all-out action, and the general sense people are getting from Tarantino doing a WWII movie is that it'll be action-y. You're right, you can't expect everyone there to be smart and understand what they're getting into with Tarantino...

15 years ago @ /Film - Early Twitter Buzz: In... · 8 replies · +2 points

It's not that it's about excessive talking being problematic, per se, it's just that for people expecting Tarantino going all out with action, it's not going to be good when they see mostly talking scenes. It's just a change of pace and people have built up a lot of expectations for Taratino these days.

15 years ago @ /Film - Twittering During Movie · 2 replies · -1 points

I think the concern that this could cause other people to Twitter and be disturbing while doing it (not under a controlled event) is very, very viable. But it's the same as writing an article that says a movie like Wolverine has leaked.

By covering that news, they have now further contributed to the spread of the illegal downloading of Wolverine by alerting people who otherwise might have never know that it exists and can be found on torrent sites. And yet that news is reported extensively around the world and is deemed appropriate, so why is this any different?

15 years ago @ /Film - Video Blog: ShoWest 2009 · 0 replies · +1 points

Uh, they had some footage... Michael Bay was there and he showed a bunch of footage on the last day during the banquet dinner.

Plus, this was a big promo marketing thing for Paramount, so it was just a bit of promotion sort of because "they were there" in Vegas anyway... Kind of like, why not, a bunch of ShoWest attendees will see it.

15 years ago @ /Film - Video Blog: ShoWest 2009 · 0 replies · +1 points

Haha, that's my roommate man! We picked up all the lantern shirts (black, orange, blue, red) from WonderCon and NYCC so he has 'em all... He wears them all the time, everywhere we go. Even the Golden Apple people were jealous that he has them. I'm not a Green Lantern fan, but he is.

15 years ago @ /Film - Video Blog: ShoWest 2009 · 0 replies · +1 points

We were all up in the side room, like every big web guy was hanging out there, man! Didn't like that buffet though... Prefer Flamingo more.

15 years ago @ /Film - Video Blog: ShoWest 2009 · 0 replies · +1 points

Yea, he rarely takes it off, ever... Anywhere we go, he always has it on, always!

15 years ago @ /Film - Video Blog: ShoWest 2009 · 1 reply · +1 points

Ya, they just mentioned in one sentence that it was in development for 2011, which we already know. That's the only "news" of it there was, nothing else at all...

15 years ago @ /Film - Video Blog: ShoWest 2009 · 0 replies · 0 points

I love how embarrassed Peter was when talking about gambling... Hahahaha! He's like "I don't bet big..." and Frosty is like, you totally do! :P

And as for the things I said... well I totally DO love Zac Efron, c'mon! Just kidding... But District 9 is the shit.