


161 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ KCRG - The “Bohemian Tr... · 0 replies · -4 points

My point is these businesses are not Bohemian themed and I doubt the owners are of Bohemian heritage. So their "marketing concept" is to exploit the Bohemian culture name for their own benefit.

13 years ago @ KCRG - The “Bohemian Tr... · 3 replies · 0 points

"The Bohemian Triangle" Hmmmm, a Pub(English), Capone's(Italian), and Chrome Horse(American biker) I don't yet see the Bohemian connection?

13 years ago @ KCRG - Vander Plaats: Governm... · 6 replies · -14 points

Wrong, you seem to only focus on Jefferson and Madison, Jefferson didn't even write the first amendment, he was out of the country, and yet people like to quote his "wall of separation" as if it was his creed. He only mentioned that One time.

13 years ago @ KCRG - Vander Plaats: Governm... · 1 reply · -34 points

Good job

13 years ago @ KCRG - Cedar Rapids Hotels No... · 0 replies · +2 points

Desperation, downtown reeks of it

13 years ago @ KCRG - FEMA Rejects Cedar Rap... · 0 replies · +9 points

They are deceived because they would rather listen to a lie which they think will benefit them, rather than the truth. Worse is yet to come.

13 years ago @ KCRG - FEMA Rejects Cedar Rap... · 0 replies · +5 points

It's purpose is to createa resevoir of water that Quaker Oats needs for production, leave the dam.

13 years ago @ KCRG - Iowa Gun Law Change At... · 0 replies · +12 points

The permits are "Permit to carry weapons", conceal is up to the individual.

13 years ago @ KCRG - Speed Cameras: Generat... · 1 reply · +1 points

I believe this is what they are referring to:

CR Municipal code

The City of Cedar Rapids enacts and adopts the municipal infraction authority under Section 364.22, Iowa Code, and herewith provides that any violation of a city ordinance, city code, or any section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, or any other part thereof, constitutes a municipal infraction subject to all the penalties, and other relief provisions set forth in Section 364.22, Iowa Code.

Iowa code

1. a. A municipal infraction is a civil offense
b. The city has the burden of proof that the municipal
infraction occurred and that the defendant committed the infraction.

13 years ago @ KCRG - Business Booms in Down... · 0 replies · +9 points

Once the free rent dries up, so will the business.