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15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 2 replies · +1 points

The Awakening…Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hello Everyone,

I had a discussion today with a person in their late 50’s to middle 60’s about the energy bill (Cap & Trade) working its way through the senate. I was telling this person how detrimental to our economy and lives this bill will be if is passes through the senate into law. I told them of higher energy cost; businesses shutting down, higher taxes and loss of more American jobs to foreign countries because of lower energy costs abroad. I spoke of the need to gather our forces and make sure such bills are defeated to protect America and Americans from losing any more than they have already lost and to protect the future of our children. For nearly 20 minutes, I spoke of all these things and when I was done, this elderly man looked up at me and proclaimed, “I’m for the cap and trade bill and it’s about time we put a cap on energy costs”

That is when it hit me, people haven’t got a clue what they are voting for, they read a name of a bill and then just ASSUME the title is what the bill is all about. They don’t have a clue what these bills will do, they haven’t done any research into the adverse effects on America or those that the bill will put out of business only that the name sounds good so, let’s vote for it! I have for a while now been stumped why people would just vote theirs and their children’s rights away and now I finally have it. These are the children of all those parents that never got involved in their kids lives, the lost, the lonely, the lower educated that rather then staying in school decided to go out and earn a buck digging ditches or building American homes. Theses are the people that stand on your home roof on a 100-degree day pouring hot 500-degree tar on it so that you can be dry this winter.

Now I understand, these are the people that never received the benefit of higher education that are building and rebuilding America and are now voting for what they THINK will help them but in reality is going to kill they very income they left school for to raise a family not out of choice but out of necessity. I include myself in the former, never being afforded the opportunity of a higher education I did what I must to survive and provide for those I loved. Later as the years went by, I educated myself here and there and learned about this great nation of ours from all those I had contact with. The elderly opened up to me like a rose in spring and spoke of their stories of struggle, life, death and the road to riches in a place that afforded them the opportunity to succeed. I listened and learned about America not in any book but rather from the mouths of those living here in this great land and for that, they all have my eternal thanks.

I consider myself one of the lucky ones in that arena. I was and have been for the most part able to stay afloat in these difficult times but now, because of those that I would associate myself with the most in past years I am being forced out, put out to pasture because of a fancy title and a media the distorts the truth. I finally have an answer to my question and the people I must blame are the very ones I came from. What am I to do? What can WE do to awaken these people to the REAL TRUTHS? I have come to the conclusion that I know must become that elderly persons opening up and speaking of this great land called America and what is happening to destroy it. PLEASE, help me in my efforts; teach all you can before we enslave future generations forever.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 0 replies · +2 points

Disconnected and Disillusioned…..

Hello Everyone,

I have been silent of late on the boards not because I don’t have anything to comment on but rather life has me running on a treadmill. The frustration with the direction and intensity of the assault on our constitution has me screaming at the TV and my ears going numb from calling so many politicians’ only to be brushed off like some sort of dry scalp condition. I noticed a strange phenomenon while driving around the area I see people shopping and carrying on as if nothing is wrong. What has happened to our country where people can shop while losing everything so many have laid down their lives to achieve?

I wonder if I am seeing people giving up and just finding a distraction from our trying times. The once filled morning roads are empty and store fronts vacant in my area, everyone I talk to tells me how bad things are and yet, there is this shopping people are doing that defies logic. I have been offline for several days, needing to do some home repairs that included removing every piece of furniture in the home and disconnecting from all media sources i.e., computer and television only having my truck radio to listen to what is happening in our country. Being off the grid for several days gave me a different perspective of things and I have to tell you I was and am still very reluctant to come back to it. With all that is happening and being force fed down my throat there is a big part of me that just wants to go find somewhere where electronic media does not exist, somewhere where the only way to get current news is if a courier pigeon gets lost and happens upon my little landing.

I come from a long line of fighters, both sides of my family served in the military, fought, and died to make this country what it is and has been for such a long time. Why then, in these trying times when we need fighters more than ever before do I feel like giving up and walking away? I know there are more of you out here that must feel the same way I do, both in and out of the military fighting to keep this country great and uphold the values of this great nation. I would like to hear from some of you, what are you doing to keep the fighting spirit alive, are you feeling like it is a lost battle and just want it to end quickly?

I am going to sit back and just monitor for a while, to see what everyone has to say and digest what is happening around us and then I will make a decision on what action / direction to take in the weeks and months ahead.

PLEASE, convince me that what my family and I fought and died for is still worth saving.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 0 replies · +3 points

And now we are being forced to give up what kind of vehicle we drive! The Clunker Law will put anyone doing construction or home repairs out of business because their truck does not get the "Government Approved" 30+mpg. And what of our Nations history? All those old hot rods that we grew up with and are featured in every AMERICAN PARADE in the Country, are we to destroy that part of America as well? We are under attack, make no mistake about it! Every facet of our lives is being destroyed and REMADE into something that was the cause of the 09-11-2001 attacks. We need to wake up NOW or it will be too late!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 2 replies · +7 points

The Tears Fall……..

I am sitting here watching the news and shaking my head with the direction our country has taken. The road ahead is filled with troubling times and I am very fearful of what “we the people” will have to do to get us back on track. I looked back into our countries history and found many instances of civil unrest and turmoil all of which ended for the most part in a better country for all. One common thing among all those turmoil’s was that each person was entrusted with some sort of side arm, rifel, sword or weapon to aid in his or her fight for freedom and release from Tierney of an out of control government.

I now see the reason why they are so bent on disarming America; it is not the criminal in the street, the rapes, robberies, drugs or any of the other societal problems, it is the fight that we the American people would be able to put up to gain control of our country once again. Disarming us would allow them to have TOTAL CONTROL over every aspect of our lives, to tell us what, when and how we should feel and think. When does freedom become Tierney? I say it becomes this when the government tells us which car to buy, which foods we can eat, which recreational activities we can do and for how long we can do them. How long is it before they tell YOU which sex of child you can have or even how many children you are allotted? Are we not at that doorstep right now? Am I the only person looking through the door and seeing our beloved America lost forever?

What is it going to take America before you wake up from this slumber of denial and do something to stop the corruption and destruction of our great nation?! Other nations at this very moment are laughing at us; they ridicule the hand that has saved them for oppressive dictators and the slaughter of countless citizens, the nation that has feed and clothed them countless times. For the first time in my LIFE I am sickened by what I see in this country, my father and his fathers fight for freedom in two world wars meaning nothing now as we surrender to falsehoods and lies from those that we chose to lead.

What will it take America? What will it take?

The blood of our country is diluted, no longer red but pink as it washes away the very fabric of our nation while we sit playing our fiddle and watching.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 0 replies · +4 points

For Sale….AMERICA!

For Sale to the highest bidder, America the land of the free and the home of the brave in all its glory is now up for sale to the highest bidder on a cash only basis. That right folks, if you ever dreamed of living in the promise land but were stopped by all those nasty immigration laws, well now is your chance to blow right past those annoying laws and just buy the whole damn country. What you will be getting for just a few trillions of dollars is, several failed car companies, numerous failed and corrupt financial institutions, lot’s of housing both built and ready to be completed being built, several national landmarks to rename, all the wood and clean water you can use and what I’d like to call the “sweetheart” of the deal, all the plutonium your hearts desires.

Where else can you get all that in one place? The answer is simple, no place else! Oh and for a limited time offer, we’ll even help you in ridding the place of all those annoying naturalized citizens by supplying them with useless healthcare. Why in nothing flat you’ll have the whole place all to yourself to do with it as you see fit. Be the envy of all your foreign friends and place a bid for this unique deal of the century.

Remember, why conquer and spend those resources when you can just purchase outright and transform the place into your ideal country mansion. So don’t delay, put that bid in now and then relax knowing you’ll never be bothered by those pesky American people ever again.

All sales final, no warranty expressed or implied shall be honored or offered. All other countries of the world shall be SOL in regards to the USA helping them fight their battles. All foreign aid shall be terminated and up to the new owners of America to do with as they see fit. Should America be blown to smithereens we are in no way responsible for any damages caused by flying debris. You have rights and we shall in no way honor those rights!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 1 reply · +2 points

A Soldiers Tale 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Freedom in America has never been an easy battle to fight none the less win and hold for any length of time. Forces around the globe look to America not as a model for all societies to follow but rather as a challenge to bring down and transform into what their society considers the norm. When you have conflict that arises from within and separates the very people that fought to create and hold that freedom, it compounds the difficulty of getting it back. To win a battle you must all have a common goal and work to achieve that goal no matter what the consequences of those actions for the price of losing such a battle out weighs the cost of those lost along the way.

We in our nation are fighting a war, a war that threatens to change the way of life not just for us but also for generations to come. We face many challenges on the road ahead that will test the metal by which we were cast and seek to diminish the memories of all those that lost their lives in past struggles. Our new generation, the young that have grown up not knowing such conflict but rather enjoying the benefits of the past struggles are now being told what was done in the past was wrong. They are being asked to implement changes based on lies and corruption, false promises and rhetoric of the “New” society that will coddle them for crib to grave. History has done these young people a great disservice, it has for reasons of political gain not shown them in detail the past struggles of Americans, her allies and the lives laid down to create this utopia where all seek to bask in her glory.

WE THE PEOPLE means something in America, it is the foundation that hold us all together just as it holds those towering buildings reaching for the heavens above but now there is a rot, it decays this foundation and threatens to collapse all upon us enslaving generations in the darkness never to see the light of day again.

Americans have short memories; we tend to forget what the past was like because we have so much here to distract us from those darker days. We have come to a point in this great nation where I implore those still alive to remember our past struggles to teach the younger generation about the cost of freedom and why we hold it so dearly. I ask every one of you reading this now to take a stand and make a difference, let your voices be heard for we will not be silenced nor shall we go quietly into that goodnight.

It is ok to revisit the past; it is when we stay there to long that we then run the risk of repeating it.

In remembrance of those that have lost their lives to keep, us free.


15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 0 replies · +3 points

We Stand Beside You!...........

So tell me all you folks in the military and intelligence community, how does it feel to be hung out to dry by the very administrations that asked you to go out and obtain information so that they could look good to the American People?! I’ll bet you are just a wee bit pissed off being betrayed, sort of, like what the administration is doing to the American people right now with all the freedoms they are trying to take away from us.

Well, I just wanted those of you in the military and intelligence community to know, I am on YOUR SIDE! You go out there and do what you must to terrorists and those seeking to kill American citizens to get that vital information that will stop them from killing innocent people. I for one (and I am sure there are thousands more) am sick of our Government using our military as scapegoats’ for all the bad decisions made in Washington and then expecting the US citizens to buy their story. We are smarter than that, no matter what Nancy Pelosi spews out of her pie hole we all know she lied and come election time, her name will be the first one on the list to go bye bye!

God bless all of you that keep us here in America safe! You have our support and you are NOT alone!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 0 replies · +4 points

The Week In Review.............

Hello everyone,

Well another week has passed into the history books and what have we all learned from it, well, I think I can sum it all up in just a word or two, YOU ARE ALL GOING TO DIE DIE DIE! I think that about covers the theme of the week. What with Obama and the media screaming about Miss Piggy’s revenge, Al Gore pushing the fact the planet is warming up (even though it’s really cooling), Mexico turning into a ghost town while ALL ITS RESIDENTS FLEE TO THE GOOD OLE USA (which spreads the Miss Piggy’s virus everywhere) and, the fact that Chrysler is filing for bankruptcy protection and being FORCED to merge with yet another POS car company. (Fiat) Why I haven’t felt this good in a very long time in fact, I think I just might have a bottled water or two tonight and kill a few brain cells. I mean, let’s face it folks, since the politician’s in Washington seem to have everything all figured out, why would they need us poor struggling, tea bagging, crazy, loony tunes to help straighten things out. No, this weekend I am going to sit back with a cold bottled water, munch on an energy bar (made in China) and contemplate more important things, like I wonder if I need a coat in heaven? (You didn’t really believe I was going to hell did ya)

Have a good weekend all and in case we don’t meet again, the BBQ’ed PORK BABY BACK ribs are on me! (Now where did I leave that fork, cause I think I’m about done)

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through May 3rd · 1 reply · +8 points

The Week In Review.............

Hello everyone,

Well another week has passed into the history books and what have we all learned from it, well, I think I can sum it all up in just a word or two, YOU ARE ALL GOING TO DIE DIE DIE! I think that about covers the theme of the week. What with Obama and the media screaming about Miss Piggy’s revenge, Al Gore pushing the fact the planet is warming up (even though it’s really cooling), Mexico turning into a ghost town while ALL ITS RESIDENTS FLEE TO THE GOOD OLE USA (which spreads the Miss Piggy’s virus everywhere) and, the fact that Chrysler is filing for bankruptcy protection and being FORCED to merge with yet another POS car company. (Fiat) Why I haven’t felt this good in a very long time in fact, I think I just might have a bottled water or two tonight and kill a few brain cells. I mean, let’s face it folks, since the politician’s in Washington seem to have everything all figured out, why would they need us poor struggling, tea bagging, crazy, loony tunes to help straighten things out. No, this weekend I am going to sit back with a cold bottled water, munch on an energy bar (made in China) and contemplate more important things, like I wonder if I need a coat in heaven? (You didn’t really believe I was going to hell did ya)

Have a good weekend all and in case we don’t meet again, the BBQ’ed PORK BABY BACK ribs are on me! (Now where did I leave that fork, cause I think I’m about done)

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 0 replies · +4 points

Miss Piggy's Revenge.......Or is it?

Hello All,

Have you all heard the latest news, the swine flu is going to do us all in! Is it me or does this just seem like yet another distraction from what is really happening with our country? As to the swine flu problem, since the effected area seems to be south of the border in MEXICO, then why don’t they (wait for it) CLOSE THE FREAKING BORDERS! HELLO! IS ANYONE LISTENING? Why am I getting the feeling that I am the only person left with half a brain? Surely if a poor uneducated slob like me can figure this all out then those high priced suites in Washington must have a clue. Oh wait, but then that would mean they would have to cop to the fact that this is just another attempt to dived and sway the American people from what the real issues are, corruption in Washington and idiots in office.

Whatever the case folks, I don’t know about you but I’m gonna have some pulled pork for dinner tonight and it’s gonna be gooooood!