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12 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - The Bizarre White Hous... · 0 replies · +1 points

If they stonewall and lie on the small things, they will lie and stonewall on the big things.

13 years ago @ - IMF participation in G... · 3 replies · +1 points

Watch the value of gold. If it goes up fast then the smart insiders know that we are printing more fiat money to bail out Greece. Mid March sould be the latest it moves but probably starting now.

13 years ago @ - IMF participation in G... · 0 replies · +9 points

I knew from the beginning that it would come down to the American taxpayer being on the hook for the bailout of Europe. The Fed can do it and not disclose it for 2 years the way the rules are set.

13 years ago @ - Marines \'assault\' US... · 7 replies · +8 points

Iran is on the state sponsor list of terrorists. Iran's citizens tried to get our help with their own Arab Spring and were spurned by us and slaughtered for it. They are obsessed with the annihilation of Israel , yet Israel is the enemy? Iran has tried to assassinate politicians in this country but somehow they are the victim? You would literally wait for them to have a nuke and then what? Their rhetoric then could be backed with massive killing power. If you personally had a nuke pointed at you would you be having your same argument or would you be complaining that somebody should have stopped them? Too late then my friend. Some of us see the world as it is and not as we want to believe it should be.

13 years ago @ - Clinton calls Egyptian... · 4 replies · +70 points

Not a surprise. Obama knew it and now Israel is surrounded by muslims who want to annhialate them. Obama knew it and will deny he had anything to do with it.

13 years ago @ - AP source: ABC intervi... · 1 reply · +1 points

Romney CAN beat Obama, but we will be stuck with a RINO if he does. Anybody but Obama, anybody!!

13 years ago @ - AP source: ABC intervi... · 0 replies · +2 points

I'm a Newt fan, the good Newt, not the bad Newt. He has more potential to be a great president than Romney, but that damn dark side keeps getting him in trouble. Looks like the MSM wants Romney and after his nomination they will barbeque him. Romney can't respond to accusations without getting all defensive and when they go after hedge funds in general as being the evildoers on Wall street, Romney will likely get defensive instead of being proud of his accomplishments. We need someone who can make Obama get defensive and have to defend the record that he has carved for himself, and his utter disregard for the constitution of the US. After all it is the document which protects our freedom from tyranical leaders and I believe Newt , the good Newt, would respond to this, but Romney seems to go with the flow, not having the spine to stand up to the msm and progressives on the left.

13 years ago @ - US mayors decry rise i... · 0 replies · +1 points

It is hard to admit we are already in a recession/depression because we are lied to about the unemployment rate, downplying the debt etc. The stock market is the only thing that hasn't completly tanked and that's only because investor sentiment is propping it up, artificially. When it does crash then everyone will realize the reality of depression. The blame game has already started and when the market crashes then Obama will unleash the masses with pitchforks on the Wall street crowd to deflect the blame away from his inept leadership. He certainly made a bad situation worse with no end in sight until he and his mob of liberals is gone.

13 years ago @ - Thrill Is Gone? Matthe... · 0 replies · +1 points

Besides everything else, he has always been intellectually lazy, always finds a way to get his way without earning it. His most obvious is how he got his goons to find dirt on political opponents in Illinois so they get disqualified. Look at Herman Cain. Everything came from Chicago. Next is Newt. They will go after Romney if he gets the nomination, but not beforehand as this is who thet choose to run against.

13 years ago @ - EU bailout fund chief ... · 0 replies · +1 points

It shows that the EU really doesn't have a plan going forward if they so readily think China will give them money with no strings attached.