


397 comments posted · 262 followers · following 17

14 years ago @ Stochastic Scribbles - 137 · 0 replies · +1 points

For those who are interested in hydrogen spectral lines, I created the images here through an applet available at http://astro.u-strasbg.fr/~koppen/discharge/

14 years ago @ Deep Thoughts - A small clarification ... · 2 replies · +1 points

Gay priests: no problem. Gay priests who condemn the gay: a bit more like evil, although more like sad ...

14 years ago @ Stochastic Scribbles - Guns versus bombs · 0 replies · +1 points

I couldn't agree more ...

14 years ago @ Stochastic Scribbles - Massive ordnance penet... · 0 replies · +1 points

Crud, you're absolutely right. Converting it to "kilo-pounds" or "kilo-kilograms", I somehow only perceived the "kilo-" part and totally forgot that "kilogram" is not "ton". Mea culpa. (Tries to find a hole to hide in for a while.)

15 years ago @ Stochastic Scribbles - Global map of Mercury · 0 replies · +1 points

Can you please tell me what it is? Pretty please? ;)

(Asking around on Universe Today, it turns out to be a lighting artifact. I'm surprised that there were uniformly no bright images to fill in the dark areas.)

15 years ago @ Sean the Blogonaut - Extremism is ugly&hell... · 1 reply · +1 points

Reading Patterson's introduction, one would think that the problem is special privileges being granted to religions. Then he goes on complaining about atheists complaining about special privileges being granted to religions, and he's not even trying to be accurate. :/

15 years ago @ Stochastic Scribbles - Can't have everything · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, there is another saying: Hope springs eternal. ;)

15 years ago @ Stochastic Scribbles - Can't have everything · 0 replies · +1 points

Glad you liked it. :)

15 years ago @ Stochastic Scribbles - Guns and illegal immig... · 0 replies · +1 points

This brings to mind the hefty number of people on the government payroll who are required to carry guns. :p

(OK, so soldiers aren't leeching from the government, but neither is it so clearcut that illegal immigrants are leeching: it could be argued the rest of the country is leeching off of them by paying them below-average wages, and they are almost certainly not on the government payroll.)

15 years ago @ Stochastic Scribbles - Guns and illegal immig... · 0 replies · +1 points

Doing a background check means having at least some gun control, and not shipping any guns is an even stricter control on guns, so obviously such solutions won't satisfy someone who hates any form of gun control. And tying the payment of taxes with gun purchases pretty much has little to do with illegal immigrants, many of whom pay both income tax and sales tax. (Do illegal immigrants often request a refund for the income tax withheld from their paychecks? I somehow doubt that, but then I don't really know how they manage their taxes ...)

Obviously, I don't expect anyone's head to explode if they accept a reasonable level of gun control or are not so vehement about illegal immigrants. :p