Although the news is now 48 hours old, I still feel the sting and Andrews tributes are still difficult to watch with dry eyes. I will not betray Andrews memory by putting my sword down.
She is Kira Davis. She has an online broadcast on tue and sun night. You can follow her on twitter @kiradavis422.
Of course. A choice free of government mandates. If a person is unsatisfied with his/her insurance coverage, they are free to purchase a different policy more to their liking. It is a free choice of the sort that people who exercise personal responsibility practice on a daily basis. Only a person who believes one is helpless without handouts/mandates from a nanny state would think otherwise.
Now that you have been school in simple biology. Allow me to school you in the concept of personal responsibility. You elect to do the nasty without protection [or your protection fails] you THEN have made a valid choice. If you consequences of your choice results in the creation of another human being, that is YOUR responsibility, not mine. It is personal to you, not me. If you insist that I, along with other tax payers, are to bear the burden of your choices [good or bad] you are not owning your choices, hence not exercising personal responsibility. I know this is a hard concept for a 'progressive' to grasp. However, since you have already shown your ability to grasp simple concepts of biology, I am sure [if you stretch out your mind just a LITTLE bit] you can also understand this simple concept.
Dead babies? How? Contraceptives prevents conception. Hence, no baby. Did you flunk biology?
Responsibility is responsibility. How one obtains the tools to be responsible is of little consequence.
It is called responsibility, a concept sorely missing from 'progressives'.
It seems that most people who profess to be atheists are actually agnostics. While atheists profess there is not god, their behavior dictates otherwise. It is quite clear that their insistence of having god wiped from the public square is proof positive that they do, indeed, know there is a god and feel the need to disrupt the behavior of his followers. After all, how many people who declares there is no Easter Bunny insist on its removal from the public square? Atheism is the emphatic declaration that there is no god. In order for one to know this, one has to know the universe in its totality. Which, by default, would make one god. This is why atheism is a self defeating construct. Agnostics, on the other hand, state that their may, or may not, be a god. They just simply do not know. This is the camp I fall under. While I often see instances of what can be described as 'miracles' and other things often attributed to divine intervention, I am still not sure. However, i am not the least bit threatened by others professing their faith in the public square.
I sometimes wonder if either the gov, or an NGO with the govs blessings, has engaged in any nefarious activity and had it attributed to anonymous?