Capt Tom Stone

Capt Tom Stone


18 comments posted · 5 followers · following 1

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent -- 7/1 · 2 replies · +7 points

What Happened to Fox News? I has become a 24 hr Michael Jackson New Station!
We are in two Wars, with 2 more on the Horizon. I all I see is News about a Washed up, Child Molester, who bought off Familes, to stay out of Jail and he is treated like a Hero,
while our young Men & Women are dieing fighting for our country! We should be Hornoring them instead! All this time the house is voting to Tax, and Destroy Jobs of the Americans. Please Fox News Let me Know when you start brodcasting Real News Again.
Thank you Glen Beck for the Important News.
Capt Tom Stone
Kingman, AZ

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you for your reply sir, In Alaska I did receive Good Care, I went to Private Dr's, and To a private Hospital, at VA expense. My trouble started in Kingman, there the Local Clinic did not have any opening. so I had to travel 125 miles to see a Dr. at my own experience , AK paid travel miles. after two years I findley was able to transfer to Kingman where It took 4 to 6 months to see a Dr. when I need x rays or mri I had to drive 3 hrs to Phoenix and my back could not Handle the Pain. So I do not know if this is the exception or the rule now.
Capt Tom Stone

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 0 replies · +1 points

Luckly I found a good wife with a Government Job, And now I am covered by Her health Care, and I only use the VA for my Meds.
Capt Tom Stone

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 1 reply · +2 points

I had my Back & Knees hurt in the first Gulf War, and had to have surgery on all 3, The VA had me on an anti inflammatory drug, that 2years ago caused an ulcer in my stomach that ruptured and cause a massive Infection. I was in the Hospital for 3 weeks. I was hoping our new service people would get better care, but I guess not. Now I am more concerned about our returning Vets, They have all ready been abused by so many Deployments. Just 2 tours in vietnam was more that enough for me, and I had it far easier than now.
Capt Tom Stone
Kingman, Az

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 0 replies · +1 points

I use to think that Ron Paul was a nut case, now I think he make more since . So I will watching him more closely. With the exception of Sarah Palin, I now think the rest were the nut cases.
Capt Tom Stone
Kingman, AZ

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 4 replies · +3 points

The VA has treated me very badly also, I almost died 2 years ago, because I could not see a Dr. They kept telling me to go to the Emergency Room, But the VA would not pay for it. I finally call for ambulance, to take me to the Hospital, I was in surgery for 11 hrs., So I know what you are going through. I hope Bill recovers, that is no way to treat our Military!, For every one who wants Government Health Care, this is what you can expect! Because I was on Military Disabilty, and could not pay the Bills, The State of AZ paid them for me. The VA should have Paid them.
Capt Tom Stone
Kingman, AZ

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 4 replies · +1 points

I prefer Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann for 2012.
I really respect both Ladies very much .
Capt Tom Stone
Kingman, AZ
Formally of Homer, AK

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent through May 13th · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank all of you that emailed me! Switching to FireFox did the Trick.
Capt Tom Stone
Kingman, AZ

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent through May 13th · 0 replies · +3 points

Excuse me Mr. Obama, I mean President Obama, Sir. Um . . I know you're busy, and important and stuff. I mean running the county is very important and -- ah -- I hate to bother you Sir. I will only take a minute.. Ok Sir?
See, I have these missing pieces that are holding me up, and I was wondering Sir, if you could take time out of your busy schedule and help me out. You know, no big deal, just some loose ends and things.

Well, listen, I can't seem to get some information I need to wrap this up. These things seem to either be "Not released" or "Not available." I'm sure it's just an oversight or glitch or something, so if you could you tell me where these things are -- I -- I have them written down here somewhere -- oh wait. Sorry about the smears. It was raining out. I'll just read it to you.
Could you please help me find these things Sir?
1. Occidental College records -- Not released
2. Columbia College records -- Not released
3. Columbia Thesis paper -- "Not available"
4. Harvard College records -- Not released
5. Selective Service Registration -- Not released
6. Medical records -- Not released
7. Illinois State Senate schedule -- Not available
8. Your Illinois State Senate records -- Not available
9. Law practice client list -- Not released
10. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate -- Not released
11. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth -- Not released
12. Record of your baptism -- Not available

Oh and one more thing Senator, I can't seem to find any articles you published as editor of the Harvard Law Review, or as a Professor at the University of Chicago. Can you explain that to me Sir?

Oh but, hey -- listen! I know you're busy! If this is too much for you right now -- I mean -- tell you what. I'll come back tomorrow. Give you some time to get these things together, You know? I mean, I know you're busy. I'll just let myself out. I'll be back tomorrow. And the day after.
What's that Mr. President? Who wants to know these things?
We the People of the United States of America ! You know, the ones that vote.
Capt Tom Stone
Kingman, AZ

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent through May 13th · 0 replies · +1 points

 IntenseDebate Notification <DIV>Thanks For the Info, I have FireFox also, and will use it.</DIV> <DIV>Capt Tom Stone</DIV> <DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial">