Let me guess, you're a college professor ! lol. The language put me on the defensive, but after reading your post, I pretty well agree with you. I will post blogs and encourage all I know to participate and VOTE. Forgive me though if at the same time, I continue to stock up on ammo.
Im not sure but I wrote a note to Olympia Snowe
Here's a shocker, some 30,000 left the program when they were asked (again) to provide documentation verifying their income. Im sure this is Bush's fault. No problemo, just raise taxes on the rich!
There is no lie to big, no program too putrid for the Dems to simply give a flowery name to and serve to us as something we should be grateful for. This whacko comment is not more ludicrous than giving Barney and Chris Dodd credit for "reforming the financial system." Left is right, right is left, and we're all upside down.
Note from an (obvious) extremist: The SA , or Hitler's "brownshirts" was formed for exactly the same purpose, and started out with exactly the same activities in the 1930's. Exactly.
Amen, Spanky. This seems to be the connection everyone is missing. Example, the Sestak story. The real issue is not whether what the WH, or POTUS might have done or said is either a midemeanor, or a felony, or possibly impeachable. The issue is the deplorable behavior of our National leaders at the highest level, and their lack of reverence for a bulletproof electoral process. The sanctity of an individual's right to vote is a key cornerstone. America has served as the beacon for freedom around the world. To paraphrase Reagan: "if the US caves, where will they go?" If our president, and former presidents, and senators are manipulating the electoral process for their own evil ends, than exactly how free are we? Exactly how much is one vote worth? Damn right, its impeachable.
How about the Department of Energy? What do they do? My understanding was that the mission was to cut dependence on foreign oil. Has this lessened? Is there something they do that cannot be done by Commerce, EPA, Transportation, etc? I say we announce that this Agency will be eliminated by the end of 2010.