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14 years ago @ Irk the Enemy - Potential Church · 0 replies · +1 points

Actually, what I was counting was the number of times YOU! was shouted compared to the preaching of the blood of Jesus.
The whole point of the gospel is bringing man back into relationship with God.
It has nothing to do with what God will do for YOU! It is all about Jesus!
Listening to the pastor, his whole thrust for renaming the church Potential Church was to reach people to tap into God so they can reach their potential. I have no problem with the great commission, which if I remember, was to go and make disciples of all men, teaching them to observe everything He has commanded them to do.
I did not write any of the articles about Potential Church; I only responded to some comments. Part of that response was listening to a sermon recommended by a commenter. I am not really into criticizing other Christians, but the preaching I heard completely appalled me. If you can sit there and read the same bible that I read and pray to the God of that bible that I pray to and believe that sermons on human potential have anything to do with bringing people to a saving knowledge of Jesus, then I will believe you and move on. I recommend you study the second and third chapters of Revelation.

14 years ago @ Irk the Enemy - Potential Church · 2 replies · 0 points

I do not measure the word of God: it measures me, transforms me.
I realize my neighbors are going to hell. Do you know my neighbors, help my neighbors, talk to my neighbors?
Why do you resort to calling me names when you really know nothing about me?
The fact of the matter is that I listened to the video you said would explain everything.
All it explained to me is the church has devolved more than I had imagined.
Jesus is coming back very soon and we need to get busy praying and getting closer to God and reflecting HIM in our lives so people will be drawn to HIM. Not worrying about OUR LIVES. Jesus said something about those that lose their lives for His sake will find them. Matt 16:25-26 Those that live for themselves, well, maybe they have some potential in THIS world.

14 years ago @ Irk the Enemy - Potential Church · 1 reply · +2 points

I watched the video AdelleRibeiro recommended, part 1 of the God Potential series. I listened to the whole thing and was appalled. Listen to it yourself. Count the number of times YOU! was said and contrast that with the number of times Jesus was mentioned. The Baptists used to sing a song about the power in the name of Jesus. I did not hear that power being invoked. I did hear preaching that would definitely appeal to the self absorbed short attention span crowd typical of today. Maybe I am too old to appreciate this type of preaching. Maybe I am more concerned with suffering for Christ and his work of sanctification to make me usable to Him in His coming kingdom. I admit that I only listened to one sermon. What I heard reminded me of Revelation 3:14-22, written by Jesus to the Laodicean church, prophetic of the apostate age we are living in. I sure hope people are being saved. I hope they are being discipled by serious bible teachers, not just given a paraphrase bible and a good thump on the back. These are troubled times we are living in. When Jesus comes back for his own, a lot of people are going to be surprised.

14 years ago @ Irk the Enemy - Potential Church · 1 reply · 0 points

i watched that video and was completely flabbergasted! After saying YOU! about a hundred times he briefly mentioned something about Jesus atoning blood. The creed statement off the AboutUs page was straight from the SBC, but besides that all I heard was Laodicean preaching. I am sure he will tickle lots of ears and keep them from hearing the word of God. I have no God potential. I die to myself and live for Christ, always praying that people will see Jesus when they look in my direction.

14 years ago @ Irk the Enemy - A man gets on his knee... · 0 replies · +1 points

sounds like an obamanation to me.

14 years ago @ Irk the Enemy - It Takes a Long Time t... · 0 replies · +1 points

this is considered research??
Where was this done? Mengele Memorial Hospital??
I suppose this is an outgrowth of the materialistic-naturalistic-darwinian attitude that pervades the world today. Since I do not hold that relativistic world view i find it to be disgusting.

14 years ago @ Irk the Enemy - Why Evolution Cannot b... · 0 replies · +1 points

Atheism starts with seeing bad things happen "in the name of God" or something along those lines, by people exposed to religion but never exposed to the actual God that religion claims to represent. Since GOD looked ugly because he was misrepresented, those people started to deny that god exists.
If the person denies God, he has to have some explanation for the foundational truth that God is very jealous of: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Romans 1:18 - 32 tells us that the calamities we have been experiencing are because God has abandoned us to our wickedness for denying his creation.
The sad thing is that most of the indoctrination in evolution is done by non science educators and "soft scientists" like sociologists and psychologists. Most hard scientists that believe in God just keep their mouths shut and mumble the party line so they can keep their jobs.
Evolution is a lie that has been exposed over and over. The believers just want to be free from God and absolutely refuse to believe in God or any other absolute. The payoff? A short lifetime believing they are in control of their reality. After that, they get to enter eternity and be separate from God, living forever in Hell, that other place they do not believe in, after bending their knees to Jesus and acknowledging he is Lord of all.
Enjoy your 70 years or so, living your way, in control of your destiny (hahahahahaha), while it lasts.
Just remember: you are software running in a physical shell. Once the shell dies, the software continues. Since it has no mass it is not encumbered by this time space continuum. once the anchor is gone you graduate to the REAL universe, away from all this material stuff you always believed was all that existed.
Hope you enjoy this place while it lasts, atheist.

14 years ago @ Irk the Enemy - The Making (or Faking)... · 0 replies · +1 points

sounds more like the church of Oprah's version of Jesus than the one I know.
II Chronicles 7:14 still applies. Those who are called by the REAL God's name need to humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, not the progressive pretenders who are just trying to get elected or stay elected.

14 years ago @ Irk the Enemy - Ervin Laszlo: When Ste... · 0 replies · +1 points

So, if Stephen Hawking does not need God, does that mean God does not need Stephen Hawking?
First they say the cell assembled itself out of random mistakes, now they are saying the universe created itself out of nothing. And they claim that we who believe in a Creator God are religious!!
An atheist has more faith in his little finger than I do in my whole body. All I have to do is look at the evidence with an open mind and conclude that God loves me. They have to twist the evidence until it matches their pre-supposition that there is no God needed.
What do they get out of it? They get to have no guilt because if God does not exist, sin does not exist and they do not have to pay the penalty for sin or accept the death of a substitute to pay for their sin.
Sounds like a whole lot of mental gymnastics for nothing.
I hope they like their eternity extra crispy

14 years ago @ Irk the Enemy - Expelled Movie - The Ruse · 0 replies · +1 points

sure, why not.