


51 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - Rafizi accuses Ambiga ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Ambiga was right to comment on the insight fights of Pakatan Harapan. No one is going to vote for a party who does not have one voice and busy fighting among them-self. Ambiga is genuinely concern because she wants the actual culprit to be thrown away. Now thats not going to happen if this is how PH behaves.

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - Ministry begins enforc... · 0 replies · +13 points

Good move. But we might see condo prices dropping soon!. However how about inefficient condo management? Do we get to take action against management team and company?

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - Your logo needs tweaki... · 0 replies · 0 points

I dont think BARISAN NATIONAL logo has its full name written in the logo. SO why being bias? Simply to delay?

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - Singapore slings? Taki... · 0 replies · +1 points

I hope Amazon will open up to the Malaysian market as well. This is open the gates to cheaper quality products across nations and continents!

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - Malaysia’s MRT s... · 0 replies · +8 points

You dont compare with a system build 20 years back, that's not the standard to beat!

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - Dr M is Pakatan chairm... · 0 replies · +4 points

Its a good start and a good move. With PAS gone HARAPAN can now focus on winning the GE.

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - Over 80,000 Bumiputera... · 0 replies · +2 points

That's because the houses are still not at an affordable price. House prices needs to go down as the demand lowers.
So why the rights of Malaysian's to own a house needs to be given away to foreigners so that a rich construction company can benefit? Moreover they are from not from Malaysia these days.. Its was finally right by the government to set the standard of 1 Million for a foreigner to own a property here. Johor can lower the price for foreigners after Johorian's can afford a house.

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - Superbikes: Ministry a... · 0 replies · +3 points

Its such lame proposal. Most motorbike accidents are not with superbike's but more of kapchai's. Increase the overall age to get a license. It should be at 21 and above. Make it more strict for someone to own a motorbike. This will slow down people owning them. Impose higher penalty on those who break rules. Finally increase the price of motorbikes. Therefore accidents can reduce.

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - We will work with Umno... · 0 replies · +15 points

I honestly think Pakatan Harapan needs to move on from PAS. PAS is useless and dont have a mind of their own. Pakatan Harapan needs to stand their ground and fight the election. Rakyat will support!

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - Dr M: I’m not be... · 0 replies · +6 points

Malaysia's needs to grow up on this matter! The country has a bigger problem with corruption and misleading leaders. Yet we are busy talking if it was right for Tun Mahathir to be with DAP's. Please unite together and fight forthe country we love!