


263 comments posted · 8 followers · following 4

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Pitchfork Media Gives ... · 0 replies · +7 points

I've discovered a lot of great music through Pitchfork but it's been unreadable lately.

It's not even that I disagree with their politics, it's that their politics are so boring and predictable.

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Pitchfork Media Gives ... · 1 reply · +8 points

You do realize that someone desperately trying to prove their intellectual bonafides by continuously namedropping their favorite author is very, very sad, right?

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Pitchfork Media Gives ... · 1 reply · +9 points

Again, the sheer complexity of your mind amazes me. Your perception has cut me to my very soul, leaving me to question all I have believed, everything I thought was true.

If I may make a suggestion, however, maybe you could use your big brain to initiate an actual discussion on the topic of the article; that is, the advocation of violent overthrow and the lack of real violence on the part of the Occupy Movement.

But I guess you'd rather make a snarky jab about how "uncool" and "square" everyone else is. Hmmm, maybe you don't have such a great mind after all.

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Pitchfork Media Gives ... · 6 replies · +8 points

That's a powerful mind you have there.

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'Sid and Nancy: The Co... · 0 replies · +5 points


12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'Daily Show' Brilliant... · 0 replies · +4 points

So...she states that the remarks were not metaphors, that they were intended to be factual. As in the Tea Partiers are literal economic terrorists. Yet later she states that they were intended ironically. This broad is too stupid to considered mean and hateful.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Coldplay Promotes 'Fre... · 0 replies · +1 points

You know how I know you're gay?

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Twenty Most Overrated ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Did Shapiro need to post 2 parts to convince us he just has bad taste?

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Twenty Most Overrated ... · 0 replies · +4 points

I cannot believe Nolte allowed this to be published. There is no one who's opinions matter less than Shapiro's when it comes to film. He can't even explain why he thinks a film is bad, he just tries to make jokes about them and insult people who disagree with him.

When Nolte criticizes a film you can tell his opinions come from a love of movies. Shapiro's opinions always come from a place of hatred and scorn. Who needs that?

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Smacking Down Tavis Sm... · 2 replies · +20 points

Maher is a tool but his "I'm not pre-judging, I'm judging" line was brilliant, and gloriously un-PC.