Mike Scheuer

Mike Scheuer


244 comments posted · 31 followers · following 0

6 years ago @ Michael Scheuer's... - A republican citizenry... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for writing. Best comment so far. Pithy, very pithy. Mike

6 years ago @ Michael Scheuer's... - A republican citizenry... · 0 replies · -6 points

Thanks for writing. Can you resend. Unintelligible gibberish as received. MFS

6 years ago @ Michael Scheuer's... - A republican citizenry... · 0 replies · 0 points

Thanks for writing. Not in this republic you won\'t. Scared of a communist? Christ\'s sake, they can\'t even grow enough potatoes to feed themselves. All that commies are good for -- like Democrats and U.S. doctors --is killing the unarmed and helpless. MFS

6 years ago @ Michael Scheuer's... - A republican citizenry... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for writing. I thought that you and all would know that there is nothing more wonderfully \"eloquent and civilized\" than killing tyrants and their supporters to ensure the republic\'s survival. Another Ivy Leaguer, I suppose. MFS

6 years ago @ Michael Scheuer's... - A republican citizenry... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for writing. Your words are witty, very witty. MFS

6 years ago @ Michael Scheuer's... - A republican citizenry... · 0 replies · -2 points

Thanks for writing. You may be easy to find, but the fact is I can look out the window of the car on my way to work in the morning and see the same worthless detritus as you walking around with with plugs in their ears, undulating to Rappers\' cursing, holding Starbuck\'s in their tattoo-ed hands, having \"fuck off\" at the ready on their tongues, and lacking any brain in their heads. In short, there is no need to travel to find a dufus of your ilk, they are everywhere, and almost all are Democrats. MFS

6 years ago @ Michael Scheuer's... - A republican citizenry... · 0 replies · -5 points

Thanks for writing. By \"Barbarians\", do you mean those who have supported or helped kill 60 million unborn Americans, who have sold their body parts, and then have consumed the leftovers? Little of that went on Vietnam too, didn\'t it? Anyway, if that\'s what you mean by barbarian, I concur. MFS

6 years ago @ Michael Scheuer's... - A republican citizenry... · 0 replies · -2 points

Thanks for writing. That one paragraph of the Declaration refines beautifully and for all time the long story of several centuries of Englishmen struggling to build and then maintain their liberties against tyrannical kings and churchmen. Jefferson and his colleagues were certain that it was -- as he says -- our duty to kill tyranny if it ever cropped up here. That idea runs like a bright read thread through all of the Founders writings, which you seem to have missed, even though you claim to have \"read all their papers.\" Ivy league, right? MFS

6 years ago @ Michael Scheuer's... - A republican citizenry... · 0 replies · +2 points

Thanks for writing. Again, your own and others\' dependence on cursing is quite striking. When you have nothing to say -- and you say that nothing very clearly -- curse and threaten. Ah, maybe it isn\'t worth the work to save the republic for the next brain-dead generation. MFS

6 years ago @ Michael Scheuer's... - A republican citizenry... · 0 replies · 0 points

Thanks for writing. Cleverly phrased threat, little boy. No high school diploma I imagine. MFS