


264 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - \'Young Eagles\' to ta... · 0 replies · +4 points

They better be effing QUIET about it though.....


9 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - Times-Call Line: 11 pe... · 0 replies · +1 points


9 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - Beefcakes, dog shot in... · 1 reply · +1 points

huh? a personal attack that doesn't reaaaally make sense, and its not even 4:20.....

definitely off your game.

9 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - Beefcakes, dog shot in... · 2 replies · +2 points

*looks plaintively with sad eyes while music plays*

Please don't down-vote me...

9 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - Longmont police respon... · 1 reply · +1 points

Sounds more like a padded room kindofa offense.

*i'll have what he's having*

9 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - Beefcakes, dog shot in... · 3 replies · +2 points

*queues Sarah Mclaughlin music*

ohhh, FerPetesSake...One friggin pitbull (that supposedly gets in fights with Chihuahuas) gets 14k and two surgeries, but we think homeless people should be run out of town?!


9 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - Longmont trash talk co... · 0 replies · +3 points

On this one, i think most folks aren't that committed to recycling in the first place. 'Why pay for extra pickup when we aren't filling the recycle bin anyway?' would seem to be thinking.

Most Merkins barely recycle, annoyingly. Then again, I am not 100% convinced that recycling is anything more than a non sequitur to make us feel better, while the real (more difficult and expensive) solutions are being ignored.

"Recycling is the least we can do!" is pretty much the least we can do.

9 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - Johnnie St. Vrain: Lon... · 0 replies · +1 points

60k for signs?

I bet an unnamed retailer would pay us twice that for a 'Welcome to Walmont' sign...

9 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - Longmont trash talk co... · 1 reply · +1 points

Quince summed it up: "I would probably pay extra, but I know other people won't," Quince said.

Sorry man. Folks with your mindset are probably going to be making extra trips to Ecocycle for the foreseeable future.

9 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - \'Something was amiss\... · 1 reply · +1 points

eh? i was pointing out that it was faaaaar too sympathetic of coverage....treated more as an 'accident' by some nice men. i should have been more clear- they are friggin' criminals with a history of criminal activity. period.

As far as newspaper articles being a deterrent? I seriously doubt our criminal element reads the times-call.

Heck, most non-criminals don't read it.