


53 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Australia to refuse Ma... · 0 replies · +47 points

Come on, Sirul. Now you can tell the truth !

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Falling oil prices, ri... · 1 reply · +46 points

Unfortunately economy in Malaysia is mainly driven by government spending and housing debt. I agree with you that falling oil price will increase consumption world wide and our export will improve due to falling oil price and falling currency. However, loss of revenue from oil is huge for Malaysia Government. Malaysia has a huge civil service work force to feed. Malaysia also has a large pension commitment.

It is not whether if RM will depreciate, it is when.
If the property market crash effects our banking sector, Malaysia is in even deeper trouble.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - North Koreans hired as... · 0 replies · +3 points

There is no way for employer to create a 100% safe workplace. Employer merely comply with regulations and requirements. Complying does not mean 100% safe, merely implying meeting a set of standard.
Look at the nuclear incidents at US, Japan and Ukraine. Look at the various oil rigs accidents. No such thing as 100%.
If really we care for these workers, we can demand for higher standard. Bear in mind however everything come with a price.

On the other hand, what is wrong with hiring these North Koreans ? By hiring them, they are given opportunity for more exposure. They are free from the brainwashing of their government. If really we want to help them, then we need to hire more of them so that they have opportunity to see the real world.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Another leak, UPSR pup... · 0 replies · +19 points

I don't agree. How frequent Singapore, Taiwan or O-Level experience leak ?

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - You may have the numbe... · 2 replies · +6 points

It is already beyond BN / UMNO. It is somebody powerful and untouchable.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Shocked Brazilian medi... · 0 replies · -2 points

Two players do not make such a big difference. Neymar is world class but Thiago is nowhere near greats. Unless your are referring to the emotional influence these 2 players have been providing.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Shocked Brazilian medi... · 0 replies · +12 points

Brzail was not convincing against Croatia or Chile. They beat Colombia by being brutal and physical, Colombia played better football. This team should consider themselves lucky to get this far. Against a Germany team that is prepared for their thug tactics, they lost their hiding place.

If Brazil is aware of their limitation and capability, they could have defend and grind out a result. They foolishly thought that they were really good enough to be world champion.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Portugal coach accuses... · 0 replies · -2 points

FIFA is a corrupted organization and so is World Cup. Big nations like Brazil, France, Germany , host nations and nations with a lot of supporters like England, Japan, Argentina would normally be given favor over less known nations like Belgium, Croatia, Czech and Uruguay. It is all about keeping World Cup popular for money. Imagine the loss in TV revenue if this World Cup final is Belgium Vs Costa Rica !
Want a cleaner football? Watch European Championship. UEFA is less corrupted.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Face up to real reason... · 0 replies · +146 points

No fund is really required. Just go back to fundamentals. Our education is much worse than 15-20 years. Abolish the stupid PBS. Go back to PMR/SPM or MCE if possible. If Malaysia have guts, go directly to IGCSE for maths, science, english, physics..., administered by Cambridge. That will raise our education standard. no need guru data, teachers can focus on teaching.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Malaysia frets as Chin... · 0 replies · +1 points

China just need to be patient with Malaysian.
Base on PISA assesment Malaysia is 39 out of 44 countries in problem-solving. If this is true for Malaysian Student, Malaysian Adult would not be too far off either. Our effort may looks pathetic to China since they rank much higher but that is probably the best our government can offer in the short term.