Seriously? He's pissed becasue WWE used his problems to push someone else. I always knew Jeff had a ego, but man..he really does belive his own shit doesnt he?
guess he's just upset casue one of his buddies didnt win the belt.
Completly agree..Cena should be on here, but more twards the bottom..and BTW..where the hell is Sting?..It should be Flair/Michaels 1/2,,
you know..all you people who say "what a kiss ass" and "man look what he'll do for the money vince pays him" couldn't honestly say that you wouldnt say the same damn thing if you got paid that well. Even if you dont like the job, you'd still do it. least WWE crappy belt looks like it might be worth something. I could make this belt with crap in my 9 year old daughters room..makes TNA look more lowbrow..sad
oh come on..its no different than half the stuff the TNA guys was a joke plain and simple..
You know..i hope he stays in TNA, but these people who say Kurt needs to stay "home" in TNA seem to forget that he made his name in PRO wrestling in WWE. If would have just came into TNA straight from the olympics (i know TNA wasnt around then, but bare with me) he would just be like amazing talet,but not a draw. He made his name in WWE, and came to TNA and gave them more creditablity.
So..if this was a way to get the crowd to turn on Hardy..why not do it during the show instead of after..all you did hear was probobly turn at least a few people off of your product..while i know their target audiance isnt kids, you need to have them in the mix to keep up the fanbase later, and i'm sure this killed some of that for TNA..could be wrong, but this makes no sense.
HA!...1st their their families...Brooke and Nick can't be far behind..
ya, but at least they're pushing Home grown talent. TNA has the greatest array of "home growns" going right now, and it All ex WWE guys at the top of the card..NExus may be boring as hell, but at least its new guys that they're trying to bring up. TNA is going to get caught in the same trap as WCW if they dont get it straighned out.