Ben Atkin

Ben Atkin


11 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Daily - Boulder Farmers\' Mark... · 0 replies · 0 points

Indeed. More than half of it is gimmicky.

15 years ago @ Back in the Saddle: St... - Big Yellow Taxi (They ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Late comment. As someone who moved to Boulder in October, I'm really glad Boulder Bookstore is alive and well. I've found some SciFi books that aren't that popular. Ironically, one book (Rainbows End) is about technology that will contribute to the obsolescence of bookstores. I am heartened that there are places like Boulder, though, where people still care about old-fashioned bookstores. I hope they will hold out for the foreseeable future.

On a side note, it was great to meet you at Dojo 4 and I look forward to hearing more about your startup!

15 years ago @ Fresh Apps - iPhone Apps - Choice by Choice · 0 replies · +1 points

I tried this one out yesterday. It does just what it says. I'm optimistic that it will be helpful. The UI is clever. I like how it shows the "metrics" and the sliding timeline is kind of neat.

There are a couple of minor issues: first, it appears that you can't rename a goal. Second, it shows up on my iPhone's menu as "Choice By". I think maybe a shortened name would have worked better, or maybe I just haven't gotten used to App Store apps having their names truncated.

Overall I'm impressed.

15 years ago @ Don Dodge on The Next ... - Thanks Microsoft, Hell... · 0 replies · +1 points

You don't seem to be talking about my comment, so why did you click the Reply link on it? I was talking about what he was saying about Microsoft software, not what he was saying about Google software. I only mentioned his love for Google as a possible reason for him getting carried away in calling Microsoft software outdated.

15 years ago @ Don Dodge on The Next ... - Thanks Microsoft, Hell... · 2 replies · +2 points

You said their software's outdated. How is that not saying anything bad about Microsoft?

I think you got carried away in this post. Most people enjoy trying new products, and we often go a little crazy over their cool features at first. I suggest writing a follow-up article quickly, because people are reading the article and thinking that you've not only changed your loyalty, but have changed a whole slew of opinions. Sometimes meaning gets lost in the excitement.

15 years ago @ Brightkite Blog - "The only good bug is ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Spot on.

As good of an attempt to explain this it is, it's still a major disappointment to have the site down for more than a couple of hours. And it does make me want to look for alternatives.

15 years ago @ Chris Chandler - Entrepreneurs: regardi... · 2 replies · +1 points

I've seen many articles like this, but what I like about your article is that you cover the rare circumstance where you can get a talented developer to work on an equity basis. Hopefully, this part will prevent the inevitable "Yeah, but" that comes when you tell someone paying a developer in equity is a bad idea.

15 years ago @ Millarian - Enable Secure Admin fo... · 0 replies · +1 points

I thought about using my external OpenID account, with SSL, for login, but I realized that if I connected over plain http, my cookie could still get sidejacked, and someone could gain temporary access to my WordPress account. Still, it would be better than having my password sent in plaintext, as is the case now. Unfortunately, I could not get login through the OpenID plugin to work (it only claims support through WordPress 2.7, but still installed on WordPress 2.8)

I'm going to try to get HTTPS with a self-signed certificate up and running soon, as I think it's the best option.

After reading your post and thinking about security, I went into OS X network preferences and deleted all but a couple of my remembered networks, and unchecked the option to remember all networks I join. I don't want to pop open my laptop at Xtreme Bean and have someone snag my password from an ajax app before I even realize I've joined an unsecured network.

I've been thinking about security a lot lately. I've been reading Cryptonomicon, and on Saturday I learned how to use OAuth for twitter authentication, and in the process spent a few hours reading about how OAuth works. It's fascinating. The article below provides a pretty good and relatively easy to digest description of the protocol.

15 years ago @ Millarian - Using Foursquare to Di... · 1 reply · +2 points

Foursquare looks cool. I signed up. Unfortunately, my interest in checking out new social networks has waned recently so I haven't bothered to actually use it yet.

BTW, You've blogged on four consecutive days. Way to go! And I got to say, Headless is one of the better blog themes I've seen.

16 years ago @ Obie Fernandez - Testing IntenseDebate ... · 0 replies · +2 points
