The Founding Fathers were wise enough to create a Constitution which guaranteed rights of all. It is the selfish actions of men which have limited those rights thru time. You have the right to be agnostic, just as I have the right to be Christian. We don't have to agree - but we need to respect. And to live side by side, we should be allowed to have a forum where Christianity is one of our noted values. Your lack of faith should not encroach upon my faith.
haven't we learned anything...sometimes the other person is worse than the one in office. HOLD them ACCOUNTABLE. Write your Congressman about upcoming legislation - let them know you are paying attention - we need to change how they are allowed to play - not just change the people.
The problem as I see it is not in taking back the republican party - but taking back our government! Our elected officials feel that can get in office and do as they wish. We need to get people off all political beliefs to become active citizens - follow the legislation being passed, voice your opinions, write your leaders. Event hough Congress cannot play nice - we should be able to cross party lines and promote what is in the best interest of the country.
Perhaps it is not up to Glenn Beck, or any political party to lead us. Glenn Beck helped get this started, but it is up to us to make something positive happen. The people are behind it. Use this site to exchange ideas and form groups and plan events at the local, state, region, dare I hope nationally.
please explain the "no term limits for presidents" bill -
With the high number of comments posted, I think it is overwhelming for people. I would like to see a page where those willing to lead local groups can get organized and share ideas so that we can move forward with a common front.
What do we need to get our country back on track? Ethics, accountability and respect for differing opinions. It would also help if people actually understood the Constitution, and teachers and professors would teach people how to think, not what to think.
I am not sure term limits are the best road here. There are many members of congress who are responsible - voting them out based on years served would open up seats to people less qualifird, less experienced. We need to be ACTIVE not PASSIVE citizens. read what Congress is working on, share the info, and let your elected officials know what you think. Vote them out if they dont work for you.
do we really want this Congress making changes to the constitution? We should organize, let them know we have had enough - and find responsible people to run for the congressional seats of the irresponsible people currently in office. We can take Congress back if we focus.