Laura D

Laura D


83 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ - Preliminary Hub Post · 0 replies · +2 points

I really like you're post, you have a lot of great links. I think that is such a fun emphasis in Shakespeare. Someday, when I have more time, I want to look up some of the books you have written about and read them - they sounds great. There's something different about reading pop, art, or a novel about Shakespeare - it gives you a completely different perspective!

13 years ago @ http://midsemesterdelu... - Ay, There\'s The Hub: ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think you're posts have been really fun. I think a lot of times we connect with visual images better than just more words on a page. I also have really liked how you've connected all of you're artistic work to different things about the plays we've been reading, it's a really fun way to analyze what Shakespeare was trying to write about - especially when you think that what he wrote was meant to be visual.

13 years ago @ - Hub Post: Looking at L... · 0 replies · +2 points

That's really neat, I bet that's a really fun topic to research. Romeo and Juliet is one of my personal favorites. I really like your 3 main points about Shakespeare's view on love too, I think he got it about right.

13 years ago @ http://shakespearefior... - Hamlet Shows Shakspear... · 1 reply · +3 points

That's great! I think Hamlet really has influenced culture, Shakespeare in general has. But even just looking at the world-famous quote, "to be or not to be, that is the question," hamlet has 'changed the world.' I think it's really amazing the places that Hamlet has gone, and all the works and people he has influenced and is still influencing.

13 years ago @ http://callshakespeare... - A Cry For Action, More... · 0 replies · +2 points

You could also look at this ending as optimistic because the bad guys end up with bad things happening to them . . . Prosper is kind of just dwelling on a grudge, but he is in the right. So for him to end up with everything working well in the end really is 'fair' or optimistic. It also ends with the new generation improving and progressing, that's optimistic!

13 years ago @ http://shakespearefior... - A Shattered Mirror is ... · 1 reply · +2 points

I think looking at it as a metaphor for his life is really great. His life really does seem shattered, almost from the inside out. It is interesting to view him as a mirror, something that is very flat and fragile - it may seem deep because it reflects things, but it really is only 2 dimensional. It would also be interesting to see what broke the mirror, what cracks him? - funny, cracked, like gone crazy.
- anyways, I think I'm waxing to metaphorical. Great blog, really makes you think.

13 years ago @ http://billythebard156... - Costume Historian: Res... · 0 replies · +1 points

All this behind the scenes stuff gives a completely different perspective on what acting and staging are all about. I remember going to dance concerns (which are pretty different from plays) and all the time we spent practicing and getting consumes ready. - even with school plays you see a lot of this stuff, the decision about how 'authentic' the costumes and language are going to be, and all the practicing.
Anyways, con graduations that's really fun!

13 years ago @ http://callshakespeare... - Consider this the Awar... · 0 replies · +2 points

That was really fun. Good job - although it took a while to sets everything up it did work really well once we got going. Just want to give you a shout out yourself for all the background work you put into it! As simple a thing as you'd think this would be it got pretty complicated, but everybody worked it out and I think it turned out pretty well!

13 years ago @ http://midsemesterdelu... - Othello: A bit of a Rant · 0 replies · +1 points

I've always thought the same thing. Othello should have believed his wife, not Iago. Going into a relationship as long lasting and deep as marriage should mean he trusts this woman infinitely . . .
I think that Othello is a prime example of Shakespeare's use of 'character flaw' - that one characteristic that the protagonist either must overcome, or be overcome by. Othello can't trust the one person he should trust the most and this brings about his downfall - he believes the wrong people and instead of waiting and examining the evidences he allows rage to overpower him and destroy his life.

13 years ago @ http://brandonleep.blo... - Dire Straits Go Shakes... · 0 replies · +1 points

That's really neat. I think this shows another way Shakespeare has influenced our culture. Even people who think they don't know anything about Shakespeare hear stories and quotes from him all the time. I amazes me how very integrated he has become into our modernized world - says something when plays last that long!