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16 years ago @ - Inside the Transition:... · 0 replies · +3 points

I like the idea of people using robots to do jobs that are either dangerous or far away.

The robots respond to some stimuli on their own but require a human to make decisions.

They used a robot like this on mars. If it were to come to a big hole it would stop on its own rather than crash. Then it would wait for the operator to tell it what to do next.

In a radioactive area or when disarming military hardware such devices are also used.

Now there seems to be some being designed to control a freight train, freight air craft, even a remote coffee shop. Rather than drive 20 miles out in the desert a coffee shop/gas station would have a remote operator who would work via a terminal and the internet. Most operations in the place would work by themselves but when something stopped working properly it could be rebooted remotely.

and you wouldn't have that 40 mile commute each day either.

I think a lot of jobs are going to have remote applications similar to this.

16 years ago @ - IJIS | The... · 0 replies · +1 points

All they are asking for is file sharing between agencies such as FBI, CIA, STATE POLICE and HOMELAND SECURITY.
To prevent terrorism; public safety, justice and homeland security agencies at all levels of government are hampered today by lack of access to the information they need.
The biggest problem with this document is the title giving the wrong impression and the writing of the document making what they are asking for obscure.

16 years ago @ - Domestic Violence Reso... · 0 replies · +2 points

This is a memorandum from The Domestic Violence Recourse Network asking Obama to study and assess the impact that the current economic crisis has had on;

domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking.

Though it mentions violence against children and violence against women it doesn't mention violence against men by other family members.

They also ask that he address the impact of recent Supreme Court decisions on the above.

16 years ago @ - TNC Memo | · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm 57 and I still remember what it felt like to be 18. Not that
different except there aren't as many girls now. But my point was
that if you continue with your education you wouldn't go into the
service while many others have a PHD by 24 or so (my father had his
at 21). My father was drafted at the beginning of WWII when he was
32. He had turned down a commission because he didn't want to enlist
for 6 years. Ended up a staff sergeant in the European theater and
because he spoke Italian, French, German, Greek and a little russian
we imagine he was used to interrogate and translate (also a degree in
law). Being drafted after 30 is a bit unusual though I think.

16 years ago @ - TNC Memo | · 3 replies · +1 points

While you are in service your student loans will be paid for by the government.
We need some way get people to continue to opt for advanced job training or education. By instituting a draft, while providing the choice as to service but an alternative is that if your in school you wont be drafted until your finished. Then at a certain age you no longer have to be drafted (maybe 24). If you want to provide the choice not to serve you should still use the motivation of the draft for more education. Got any ideas on this?

16 years ago @ - Inside the Transition:... · 0 replies · +1 points

The word marriage actually predates most of the religions existing today and seems to refer more to some economic reality where one promises to provide for the other and the other promises to work for the one. Marriage was more prevalent in cold climates where game wasn't easily available. In warmer climates polygamy was much more common where a single hunter could provide for a larger family. The modern religions adopted marriage as their own and are continuing to try to refine it's meaning.

16 years ago @ - Inside the Transition:... · 0 replies · 0 points

Show me a hundred people and I'll show you a hundred different moral philosophies. Every person in this country has a right to their own personal convictions and it isn't up to government to enforce one set of convictions over another. It is up to government to give us a framework of laws based on modern scientific knowledge, where we can live and work together while stomping on as few of those convictions as possible.

16 years ago @ - Consortium for Citizen... · 0 replies · +1 points

The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities are asking for an increase in the medicaid federal medical assistance percentage as part of the economic recovery plan to 40 billion dollars over two years.
Medicaid is the largest funder of people with disabilities. 40 states are decreasing the funding of programs to the most vulnerable people due to the economic downturn.

16 years ago @ - TNC Memo | · 0 replies · +1 points

I think the gas tax should be used for subsidizing mass transit. Ethanol should only be supported from cellulotic sources (although I'm flexible on this). We should be subsidizing food production as well. There are two conflicting desires getting in the way of a profitable farming industry in this country. The need for inexpensive food vs the need for farmers to make a profit large enough to deal with the years you lose money from drought, market fluctuations, etc.

16 years ago @ - TNC Memo | · 5 replies · +1 points

I would like to implement a draft. Each drafted person gets a choice of services between Army, Navy, Air force, Coast Guard, Peace Corps, Medical Corps, Energy Corps, etc. The only way out is if your still in school but you have to make the choice again after graduation (potentially you could go on and get a PHD then make the choice.