


12 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 0 replies · +1 points

You can still see the results at the very bottom of the page. We were voting on what Chizza should do this week and if we should buy something at the tailor.

13 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 0 replies · +4 points

We should really get Sheila to model some dresses for us.

13 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 1 reply · +2 points

There's a small bug in the character tracker: On Gram-Ma's page, if you open the "Credo" or "Bio" tabs and then close it, you're taken to Diastra's page. It's the only character that does that, as far as I know.

13 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, you could always do it like you did for the characters. A button for the location, which when you click it, leads to an image that has the place you're visiting at the top and whatever text at the bottom. The problem with this, of course, is that you would have to have the options somewhere else.

13 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 0 replies · +1 points

I can use it, but the thing that opens it is just a white rectangle. Is it meant to be like that?

EDIT: Nevermind, it's not white, but it's so light that I can barely make out the words.

13 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 1 reply · +2 points

Well, it might seem she's a slut, at first glance, but if you do the math, even if she only started having sex at 18, she has only had sex an average of about 1,3 times a month. That's not that much, really.

13 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 0 replies · +1 points

Indeed. Votes seem evenly split between the simple robe and the maid outfit. The simple robe has the obvious advantage of being the cheapest, but the maid outfit is the more relevant to her job.

Perhaps the maid outfit would be the best choice, since it seems Chizza can make a simple robe for herself, but I doubt she could make a maid outfit.

13 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 2 replies · +5 points

To the people voting not to buy anything:
I understand your reasoning, I really do. We have little money and you're trying to make it last.

However, cutting expenses can only go so far, we also need income, and getting Chizza a new dress should allow her to become a barmaid. This has two obvious benefits:
1) An increase in salary, with possible added revenue from tips;
2) Being a barmaid will allow her to listen to the patrons of the bar talking, which may lead to some lucrative opportunities.

As such, I believe that, in the long run, getting Chizza a dress will result in us having more money to spend. Don't think of it as wasting money, think of it as an investment.

These are my two cents. I hope you take them into consideration when casting your vote.

14 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 1 reply · +2 points

You know, I never thought of it until now, but our goal (or one of them at least) is opening a brothel, and there have even been options in the past to order a sign for it, but are brothels even legal in this city, or are we going to have to deal with the guards?
You know, greasing a few palms, offering them "freebies", that sort of thing.

14 years ago @ http://brokenheartbord... - http://brokenheartbord... · 1 reply · +1 points

I'm guessing the creature eats (or rather drinks) female sexual fluids. It's just kinkier that way.