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13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Dem Booed At Town Hall... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes!!!--that has always been my question about the contraception that fueled the "sexual revolution"---who benefits? The man who now has no strings attached as he chronically picks up and leaves, or the woman who is genetically wired to search for and bargain for a safe place/situation for her children, and genetically wired to be devastated by the abandonment? Who benefits from women flinging away the one natural bargaining chip afforded them by nature and Nature's God to get a (less than perfect) man to be true?

Women having dignified self-control and acknowledging the intrinsic value of their bodies makes things less fun for . . . MEN!!!! These cold pimps at PP need a ton of video from heartbroken women about THAT. Come on, sisters!!

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Dem Booed At Town Hall... · 0 replies · +1 points

I am interested to know if the Catholic Church will put their actions with their words and disfellowship (or whatever term applies) any politician who votes to impose laws that mandate contraception. . . .Waiting. . . .

I hope there is the spine to do that. How willing is the church to dis their public figures for principle?. . . .Just curious. . .

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Anonymous Declares War... · 0 replies · +10 points

When individuals are allowed, and required, to provide for their own needs, Lib, they tend to do OK. The Collective is useless without individuals. The Collective is the parasite that feeds off individual initiative. The Collective is what every communist state has pandered to while pounding every individual into the Collective mold. The Collective is all they have left in North Korea, and the other nations of the world are stuck feeding it because their Dear Leaders ran out of individuals to suck dry long ago.

Check your sources, Lib! Feelgood theories of dusty, cerebral academics have never led to prosperity for anyone or any Collective. Open markets, property rights (including intellectual property rights) and contract stability have been the engine of freedom throughout history. When those things are not there, people start suffering and progress grinds to a halt. Like I say--read some real history!!!

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Anonymous Declares War... · 0 replies · +13 points

I just watched the above video, and I am very familiar with the kinds of movements that have historically used such terms as "collective", and "The Masses",. etc., and I know where that leads. "Pure" communism (pure freedom, living in love and peace, everyone doing his/her part joyously, no government, whatever) is always the stated goal, the great utopian good, of the people who use these words. And our planet will never see it because no movement that wants it has ever gone beyond the killing fields that come first. None ever will.

Read your history.

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Romney: Mr President, ... · 2 replies · 0 points

And can someone PLEASE point out to me what the heck is not CONSERVATIVE about this man and his ideas???????

Look at his REAL record, not the distorted lies spewed all over lately. He is exactly what we need.

He will also preserve the tenuous grasp on reality the SCOTUS has barely, still. Another 4 years of Obama will break us in the whole Federal Judiciary for the rest of our lives and our children's lives!!!!

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Real 'Jane Roe' Makes ... · 1 reply · +3 points

No one forces a woman to raise it. Sheesh. That baby would be snapped up by a loving couple so fast!!!!!

That is a crazy argument. I say it is a deal. Free sex, just wait nine months to get your hedonistic life back. If that is what you want out of life. Just get off drugs while you're pregnant. Oh. Maybe that would be a problem for a woman so careless as to get pregnant when she doesn't want to.

I actually do think that an exception for real, forcible rape might be needed. There was no chance for choice on the part of the mother, and she is left holding the bag, so to speak, and the horror and trauma. However, depending on her own mind-set, carrying the baby to term and giving him/her up to a loving family may help her feel something positive has come of her pain. I do think choice is an issue. Just real choice--in the bedroom, of preferably before the heat of the moment, not at a Planned Parenthood clinic. Abortion is our culture's form of Honor Killing, and twisted it is.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Two GOP Congressmen Re... · 0 replies · +4 points

Hmmm....That F.O.A. division seems not to have been very good for its friends. Countrywide gave us MUCH MUCH better terms and we are complete nobodies. What is the big huge hairy deal? I think Countrywide just got caught in its own stupidity--wanting to be the biggest and not being very good financial analysts led to stupid loans. We sure love ours, though. It got us through a very tough time, and we are still in our home. :)

13 years ago @ Breitbart.com - NC to recommend money ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Why should the people of the state pay for this? Track down the evil people who actually made these horrible decisions. Put them on trial for crimes against humanity, or at least make them pay retribution. If all politicians actually had to stand personally responsible for their disastrous policies, we would all be better off.

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - WSJ's Bret Stephens Ca... · 0 replies · +5 points

You forget. Behind every horrible dictator are the rats that get exactly what they want from supporting his egotistical pomposity. Those rats have gone nowhere. I just hope chinks in the oppression will begin to open up that let enough light through to set the rats scurrying more as this new overfed buffoon starts to show his pimples. May God and natural human longings for freedom help the NK people get a clue, and a life, and a backbone--the monster will fall when they do.

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Credit Where It's Due:... · 0 replies · +4 points

". . . .get out and communicate with the American voter I MEAN the American people. . . " !!!!!