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13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Johnny Depp-Gate: What... · 1 reply · -13 points
13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Attacks on Ron Paul: M... · 0 replies · -1 points
Frankly, I think his childish defense now (that he was unaware of it ALL - puh lease!) is petulant and ridiculous. He sounds like a whinging child caught out being naughty. He's pathetic!
13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Attacks on Ron Paul: M... · 3 replies · -1 points
I for one think he is getting away with alot! His story has changed 180 degrees and yet I haven't heard one person in the media point this out! I hardly think that's getting a raw deal! He's getting off easy!! Basically; when he thought the content would help his chances he defended it and when he knew it would hurt him, he distances himself. Until this; I at least thought he was a man with principles but obviously NOT! He is obviously nothing but a coward that changes his views depending on who he has to impress. NOT cool.
And btw; why is it I have to point this out on a journalism site?
13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Sunday Crib Sheet: Med... · 2 replies · -5 points
Seriously. Put a D next to his name and an R next to hers and you'd be outraged wouldn't you? Be honest, please.
13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Sound Bite For The Day... · 13 replies · -49 points
On a further note; has Gregory even had a chance to apologise on air as yet? Has he had the time to reflect and on the next episode apologise so that his whole audience gets to hear it? I'm Australian and I don't get his show, so I'm not sure of the schedule, but I thought it was a WEEKLY show, I am correct? If that is the case, he has not yet had a chance to apologise to his whole audience, making your criticism of his twitter apology even poorer than I originally thought it was! Disgraceful. No wonder no one but hateful extremists have employed your journalistic skills.
13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Last Night on Glee, 11... · 5 replies · -31 points
THe only thing that surprises me about the Glee sex is that this is the first time it has been a story line when it is in its second or third season! The gay sex too is a new one, but hardly shocking. Personally, every time I've managed to catch Glee (not that often but occasionally) I've always thought it comes across as very wholesome, 'perfect' type teen life. This is more realistic to whats really happening out there. No matter what we do, teens will have sex and be obsessed with it.
13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Cain Presser: Journali... · 0 replies · -2 points
13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Cain Presser: Journali... · 0 replies · -3 points
13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Von Trier Clams Up Aft... · 0 replies · +1 points
And they say Americans are stupid and don't know geography?!!!
NORTH Zealand is not NEW Zealand. North Zealand is in DENMARK, NEW Zealand is in the South Pacific, and they DO NOT DESERVE your LYING MISLEADING IRRESPONSIBLE headlines!
New Zealand is that place that's like paradise, the two long islands near Australia, know it? Maybe open a bloody book once in awhile and learn something.
People have been pointing this out and it is irresponsible and reckless to have not addressed this already. Unbelievable.
13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Actress Mila Kunis: Mi... · 0 replies · -1 points
Communists are idiots that do not understand basic human nature, and hence why Communist regimes have always had to resort to taking away freedoms from its people in order to implement it. In fact, it is so illogical that it really has never been properly implemented and never will be! Human nature simply does not allow Communism to exist and hence any regime we describe as COmmunist has actually not ever been so, such as China. The Soviet Union was not properly Communist, because Communism requires that Stalin would have been on the same level in terms of property and income, as the cleaner that cleans his office nightly. It never worked like that. It never will.
Alot of Conservatives argue (fairly) that liberals believe many incorrect things about them. Well, we also have that problem! Okay? We are not Communist, nor even committed Socialists. Most of us favour a system where Capitalism thrives with some socialist programs offered to counterbalance, and complement, the private sector.