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12 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - 6th edition & Vehicles · 1 reply · +3 points
12 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Games Workshop goes \'... · 0 replies · +2 points
The result of this will be that the GW board's antiquated belief that "going digital" was an unneccessary move will be validated and reinforced, and we will never see another digital release.
12 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - 3 and 6: How It is G... · 1 reply · +1 points
12 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Gems, Oddities, Goofs,... · 1 reply · 0 points
If you combine that with 'space pope', crisis suits with no weapons, and fire warriors, this grants the Tau with the (dubious) distinction of highest empty points total of any 'dex.
13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - The Armies of Infinity... · 0 replies · +3 points
I have been interested in infinity, but was hesitant to buy anything as I couldn't find a good source of info.
If you keep this up, I'll be playing a new wargame. :)
13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - List Building - Sum Gr... · 0 replies · +1 points
Xenos = Inferior Rules.
13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - It\'s like Magic! - Ca... · 0 replies · +1 points
I'm a crappy painter with grand designs. I've painted my kroot blue, and swapped guns out of the hands of kroot in favor of hand to hand weapons to make kroot "hounds" and painted them red.
I've got sprue grey tau, and I think I'm going to paint them like the one picture in the book where they're being slaughtered in hand to hand.. Red clothing and white armor/guns. Maybe this would tie in with the request for more white painting?
*hope, hope*
13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Dozer Blades - Necessa... · 0 replies · 0 points
I want to use the HF against things parked in deep terrain, rather than charge through it, and I've gotten caught up on rocks more than once aggressing against foxholed units.
The AC are usually driving around normally, but if I want to enfilade or if I'm caught short on weapon range, that sometimes means going through terrain to avoid allowing a cover save.
The L/P are pretty much always going to be ok without them, though.
13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Tyranid Codex Update: ... · 0 replies · +1 points
At first I was worried that it was an elaborite troll post from AP. One where he waited for every one to like it, and then post in the comments "See, guize, design is hard! You totally missed ridiculaous combo X, you didnant evan notice it!!!elventy one. I was right all along."
But, I'm glad that didn't happen and I think I'll give this fandex a try on game night.
Good post, AP.
13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Evaluating Bad Units · 2 replies · +5 points
Oh, wait.