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14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'Hall Pass' Review: Fa... · 0 replies · +3 points

I was actually on board to see this until I saw the name Joy Behar. That woman is nothing more than a bellowing sea cow, and it's a shame she managed to contaminate what sounds like a funny flick. Nope, I can wait until it's free on the tube.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Today's Open Thread · 1 reply · +3 points

Just read the piece and ... wow. What a whiny little twit.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - When You Replace Humil... · 0 replies · +1 points

Check out "Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus" that came out in 2006. Nicole Kidman has the lead role, but Downey plays her equal as a soft-spoken yet intense retired circus freak who fascinates and shocks her stunted suburban sensibilities. He's stellar as a very private man that gradually reveals new layers of vulnerability to her that in turn lead her to discoveries about herself. No doubt about it; the man can act.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - When You Replace Humil... · 0 replies · +8 points

I care because these people set a bad example for Hollywood-idolizing kids. Charlie may be choosing to do himself in with booze and hookers publicly and laugh at the ruckus he's caused, but the casualties are many. He also has 4 kids of his own (that I know of) who may not yet be old enough to understand the tragedy he's living out loud, but they're already missing him as a stable, committed father figure in their lives. I pity them :(

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - What Will the PC-Polic... · 0 replies · +1 points

I love the word "gobsmacked" :)

What I find funny is how I totally misread his story. The writing IS a bit dense, but I I chalked it up to a new voice describing a world with which I was totally unfamiliar. Higher Academia has its inner circles and often, a privileged aristocracy, so the layers of dark intrigue and a political agenda weren't hard for me to work with. But I never connected the developing creep factor with being anti-God - it just didn't take me there. As stated previously, I found intrigue in this stubborn child resisting ominous authority, as well as her daemon/guide trying to help her figure out the mystery of the missing children. My brain came up with a Good Vs. Evil tale, culminating in a final smack-down with said Evil accompanied by a posse of ally Polar Bears - Cool!!!

It would seem I missed Mr. P's intentions entirely x)

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - What Will the PC-Polic... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, that is just AWESOME!!!!!! Kudos to J.K. and her nimble imagination - that woman ROCKS!!!!!

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - What Will the PC-Polic... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry for the screw-up (as far as I know, I can't go back and edit it.) I'm in an epic struggle with technology this week - the work server fried, my home printer died, my cell phone directory got deleted, and now I'm double posting. I give up; time for some hot buttered rum ...

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - What Will the PC-Polic... · 14 replies · +7 points

True "Ignorance is Bliss" Story: I collect children's books, and met Phillip Pullman at a book signing when "The Golden Compass" was first released. I had purchased the book based on a couple of reviews I'd read (which gave no hint of the its anti-Christian perspectives), and had no idea Pullman was an atheist. The book itself was oddly fascinating to me in regards to the child heroine Lyra's character (unapologetically bold with a dark adult awareness) and her daemon (a kind of real-world "familar" in animal form that accompanies you life-long as a companion and reflects ones' moods, strengths, weaknesses, etc..) To save time and space, this link ( gives a more in-depth synopsis of the film and these little companions. Anyhoo ...True "Ignorance is Bliss" Story: I collect children's books, and met Phillip Pullman at a book signing when "The Golden Compass" was first released. I had purchased the book based on a couple of reviews I'd read (which gave no hint of the its anti-Christian perspectives), and had no idea Pullman was an atheist. The book itself was oddly fascinating to me in regards to the child heroine Lyra's character (unapologetically bold with a dark adult awareness) and her daemon (a kind of real-world "familar" in animal form that accompanies you life-long as a companion and reflects ones' moods, strengths, weaknesses, etc..) To save time and space, this link ( gives a more in-depth synopsis of the film and these little companions. Anyhoo ...

Pullman did a short reading from the book before he signed any copies (I wish I could remember the passage), and seemed quite pleased with the number of little people holding his books for purchase. When it was my turn at the signing table, I complimented him on his writing style and told him I found the concept of daemons to be spiritually comforting. He stiffened as I expressed my belief in guardians and guides, then turned slightly red as I commended Lyra's stubborn spirit as a fascinating take on Faith. Expecting a nod of validation, I was instead met with stony silence, a quickly scrawled signature, and dismissal.

The success of the existing "Narnia" movies must REALLY be pissing off Mr. P's daemon :)

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - He Should Be Scared: '... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for the link, samwise. A perfect analysis comparing the past and our present. I love this movie so much I bought the DVD (something I don't do often) and feel fiery, unabashed pride every time I watch Leonidas and his Spartan brothers face their enemy against overwhelming odds, fighting to the end for their homeland and families' right to be free.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Exquisite Movie Moment... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you so much for the link! Those boys do indeed sound like angels, and brought a lump to my throat as I remembered people loved and lost. Guess what DVD I'm picking up for Christmas???