


499 comments posted · 6 followers · following 5

14 years ago @ Truth In Our Time - Diversity WILL Kill You · 18 replies · +1 points

So would the Turner Dairies be a good read?

I've never read it.

14 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Man Says Daughter Want... · 11 replies · -2 points

actually i was just pushing back against your attempt to associate me with pederasty.

that was pretty cheap, even for you.

14 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Man Says Daughter Want... · 15 replies · -3 points

of course you do, just like you want to bomb all of Yemen because of some twisted souls that don't sport your upstanding moral compass.

i mean really, there is just no hope of redemption for anyone that the super-sages cast a disparaging eye upon.

might as well kill them all.

14 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Officials still baffle... · 0 replies · +2 points

Nah! He's Cool.

MCV means Mallus Cattus Verminicus, its a parasitic organism that tends to make its appearance in the ghetto or ghetto like strata, it makes itself known by the tremendous stench it leaves on everything it touches. There is not much that can be done about it except to wait for it to burn itself out and dissipate like the noxious gas producing oxygen eater it is.

14 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Officials: Cops coerce... · 0 replies · +1 points

yeah, jersey is seriously screwed up

. its like a third world country.

14 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - A 2nd garbage patch: P... · 0 replies · -6 points

"Humanity's plastic footprint is probably more dangerous than its carbon footprint," he said.

ok, whew! for a minute there i thought this was going anther one of the AP's let's try to put fear in the hearts of the masses articles. I'm glad i was wrong.

i also love how they use the reference to the global warming "carbon footprint" meme to stoke the fires..


14 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Think adults have it t... · 0 replies · -2 points

"You don't see anyone other than Hispanics waiting outside home depot waiting for some nice person to drive by and offer them work. Ever wonder why that is."

because most of us value our safety and that of our family, i would never let my kid stand on a corner with a bunch of criminal illegal aliens. (or is it "hoard of criminal...," i've never been good with collective nouns)

anyway, you make one good point, its not the illegals, its the stupid minimum wage laws. i would never pay some young teenager 8/9 bucks an hour to do a job i could get a more responsible adult to do.

if we want these young kids to compete in the job market they have to be allowed bring there greatest asset to the job market: inexpensive labor.

14 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - \'Justice...will be un... · 1 reply · +2 points

Is it that time of year already. I thought the you-all-going-be-horribly-raped-and-murdered-if-you-don't-elect-us-and-gibs-us-more-money season didn't start until closer to the elections.

they must be figuring on loosing some senate and house seats this year...

14 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Larry King files for d... · 0 replies · +1 points

lol...yeah, it must totally suck having hot babes clawing at you because your famous. i know i would just hate it.

14 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Police call anti-gay g... · 0 replies · 0 points

ummm... so in true judaic fashion, when presented with factual information you don't like you resort to name calling, thus revealing the servile mind you are so proud of having?

Anyway, regardless of your rhetoric, I hope you have continued fortunes in your life and that you and your friends continue too meet and reproduce with all the colors of the rainbow.