Werner Patels

Werner Patels


225 comments posted · 3 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Third Edge of the Sword - Does Robert Remington ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Remington is completely braindead, like most members of the Calgary Herald editorial board ... only Licia Corbella still has her brain cells intact; the others are ready for the abattoir.

13 years ago @ My Two Canadian Cents ... - Political parties must... · 0 replies · +2 points

The difference between the two being that the Cons expected to win without having to work for it, while the NDP candidates had no reasonable expectation to win.

13 years ago @ My Two Canadian Cents ... - Huffington Post arrive... · 2 replies · 0 points

Well, who cares. People can still read the US version using the iPad app ... and that's how enlightened people today consume their news anyway.

13 years ago @ My Two Canadian Cents ... - Time to get real on im... · 0 replies · 0 points

If you - who sits in California and does not know much about life in Canada today - actually spent some time in areas heavily populated by immigrants, you'd know about the all the bad stuff that happens in this country and how taxpayers are being scammed ... by immigrants and by their own government that allows these things to happen. The Fraser report is 150% accurate, borne out by facts and anecdote.

The institute actually has a very good reputation around the world. It is only hopeless and hapless socialists/commies who keep attacking it ... because it tells the actual truth.

13 years ago @ My Two Canadian Cents ... - Time to get real on im... · 0 replies · -1 points

The Fraser Institute is not some monkey-business outfit. Real professionals work there, so any report that comes from them carries enough weight and can safely be considered accurate. Only people with a partisan axe to grind would deliberately try to distort the facts.

13 years ago @ My Two Canadian Cents ... - Time to get real on im... · 2 replies · 0 points

No, no need to admit anything, because everyone with a bit of information on immigration in this country has known about these problems and issues for ages (including the real cause behind health care wait times = the grandpas and grannies who should not be here in the first place).

The money we waste on immigration in its current form could easily be used to eliminate tuition fees for all university students in Canada - that would be money well spent. But this? No way.

13 years ago @ My Two Canadian Cents ... - Oil sands - time for A... · 0 replies · +2 points

We will probably see all sorts of technologies emerge over time; one does not preclude the other.

13 years ago @ My Two Canadian Cents ... - Voting confessions of ... · 0 replies · +1 points

My way of voting was smart not because I saw the Orange Wave coming from afar, but because I did not vote Conservative and therefore did not allow myself to be hoodwinked - which is exactly what happened to all those who voted for the Non-Conservative Party of Stephen Harper.

13 years ago @ My Two Canadian Cents ... - With the old dinosaurs... · 0 replies · +1 points

That is why I wrote "rightly or wrongly". But I also think that if he had run in a different riding (in Toronto or Ontario), he would have lost his seat too.

13 years ago @ My Two Canadian Cents ... - My open letter to The ... · 0 replies · +1 points

You are most welcome. My pleasure. Really!