


11 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Bookworm - KCRW - Chris Kraus: Summer of... · 0 replies · +1 points

Another fantasy where "a life of rigorous honesty" is aimed for, and somebody is trying to rescue the world... before actually rescuing herself from that urge.
Not to mention the concept of love, which provides the fabric (or, should it be the cobweb) for all the exploits.
Pure nonsense!

12 years ago @ http://franklin.fox2no... - St. Clair - Monroe Cou... · 0 replies · +1 points

Nature amazes again, but only those who though that we, humans, are the "know all, can do all" masters.

12 years ago @ Bookworm - KCRW - Craig Nova: The Consta... · 0 replies · 0 points

"There's nothing wrong with having nothing to say... as long as you don't insist on saying that." Anon

12 years ago @ - Duck Dynasty - I gotta... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, let's begin, then!
What's your first name, Duck Dynasty?

12 years ago @ FCAN Home Page - Untitled 0 · 1 reply · +1 points

What those dealers are trying to do, is called buying leads.
That's how the commerce works, and always worked.
Nothing is free, or objective, for that matter, when commerce is involved.

The cost of providing those comparison websites, and the secure access that their users expect, cost money.
And it is the customer who will have to, in the end, pay for it.
Otherwise, walk for a dealer to a dealer and ask for prices...

12 years ago @ http://yoursecurityres... - Spyware Blockers - Vir... · 0 replies · +1 points

Security for networks and individuals, and particularly check out procedures, would be greatly improved with facial recognition, or the iris recognition software.
Time will come when your and my PC/laptop/smart phone will have a recognition module.
But, by then, the hackers will already know how to exploit it.

So, a never-ending chase

12 years ago @ College of Literature,... - Silence is Golden · 0 replies · +2 points

Silence is our own nature.
Only by the culture-induced noises we are immersed in the cacophony of a "trash sound" where nothing has any meaning.
Security can only be found in cancelling-out those noises.
Then, freedom ensues...

12 years ago @ http://ptc-investigati... - TicBux ( - ... · 1 reply · +2 points

Top class research!
Whenever one goes online, one has to observe basic security rules - yest, primary that of your wallet...
It's amazing, how slowly the law follows developments on thw WWW (wild wide west) front.

12 years ago @ http://ecorner.stanfor... - Stanford\'s Entreprene... · 0 replies · +1 points

Olivia's sense of inner security does the trick!
That's why she comes as a peaceful and unperturbed person - no wonder, we like to listen to her...

12 years ago @ Daily - Guest commentary: Semi... · 0 replies · +1 points

People in Tanzania live the way they do, so people in America can live they do.
Security has its price, and a cost to somebody else...