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13 years ago @ - Elizabeth May wins Com... · 0 replies · +8 points

I say congrats to her on her historic win. I may not agree with her on a platform level but I'm happy for her none-the-less. I hope she does well.

13 years ago @ - Bestsellers · 0 replies · +1 points

Fall of Giants is certainly Ken Follett's masterpiece. I've loved all his books but this first one in his series is beyond epic in nature. He takes about a dozen characters and makes them real, something hard to do with just one character.

For those whom enjoyed Pillars of the Earth and/or World without End (and those, like me, who actually like his other books better), this will blow your mind.

Though be prepared to cry in frustration when you realize the second book does not come out until 2012 and the third book comes out 2014 (assuming all goes according to plan).

13 years ago @ - Thirteen arrested in ... · 0 replies · +9 points

I do not say that this is okay but I certainly am not surprised. My nursing books cost me 700 dollars and that was used! Brand new, students were paying 1300 dollars or more for one year worth of books. It's complete nonsense. There is a reason these people were in business and that's because textbooks are extremely overpriced. It's ridiculous and unfair to be doing that to an already poor student.

But instead of our governments actually caring and helping students (no, I don't classify student loans as help especially when they charge interest) they continue to jack up education prices. Pretty soon, school will be for the wealthy only or those willing to spend the next 20 or 30 years paying back student loans.

13 years ago @ - Canada ranked last for... · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree that our Freedom of Information laws are not as well developed as I would like them and that needs to change. But this really isn't a good assessment when it's only 5 countries. I'd rather see how we rank on a world scale or at least of the industrial nations or even in comparison to Europe, anything to give a better subject pool.

13 years ago @ - Arizona shooting raise... · 0 replies · +16 points

I have to wonder if this is the way it'll be from now on. Every time some disturbed individual goes crazy, people will turn it into a political circus of who can claim the moral high ground because he(she) belonged to the other side. This isn't and shouldn't be political. I don't care if he was a Republican or Democrat. What I do care about was that, somehow, all the warning signs were missed/ignored by those around him and something that could have been prevented wasn't.

My heart goes out to the families and I hope Rep. Giffords and the others injured make a full recovery.

13 years ago @ - Kory Teneycke to retur... · 0 replies · +1 points

Excellent post and kudos to the Star Trek reference!

13 years ago @ - Mitchel Raphael on Tru... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have a sudden urge to find a serious picture of Harper and add a Tom Selleck mustache to it. Why? Because it just doesn't make any sort of rational sense hence increases it's awesome factor.

13 years ago @ - Canada won't take part... · 0 replies · +2 points

I understand the point you are making but I have to ask to what benefit is there if we go?

Does it not speak more that we are taking a stance and publicly saying that we will not go and sit and listen to Israel be called a racist nation without any justification? By going, what purpose do we serve? Does our representative stand up and denounce this? Are we slated to speak about racism and the issue in general?

If there was some good that came from these types of conferences, then I'd agree we should be there but when they deteriorate into a soap box for allowing nations to gang up on another without any justification, they complete lose their purpose.

13 years ago @ - Canada won't take part... · 0 replies · +2 points

Way to stereotype using American examples for Canadian politics. Did you even talk to any of those "left wing loons" and find out where they stand or are you choosing to stick to Whoopi Goldberg as the shining example of all left leaning people of the world?

Not all us "loons" are against Israel or in disagreement about boycotting this event. We are not all anti-semitic and pro UN.

As for your comment about assaults on Jews in the States, please cite your "fact". I don't necessarily disagree with you but you make a bold statement without actually providing said fact and isn't that your issue with us blind idiots in the first place?

13 years ago @ - Canada won't take part... · 0 replies · +2 points

A lot of comments in regards to the UN as a whole being useless and it is. Let's look at some major points. The UN told Bush NOT to invade Iraq because there was no grounds for it, Bush did and there was no repercussions. The UN has strict laws against Child Labor yet China is notorious for it yet allowed to hold permanent seats and is not subjected to sanctions. What is the UN even good for?

Israel is not perfect and I've found myself butting heads with Harper and supporters on some issues but to allow Israel to be called a racist nation is ridiculous. Normally I'm for Canada going and being a voice of reason and compromise but this is counter productive and I agree with this move. It will speak more volumes to boycott then to go and sit and listen to truly anti-semitic nations like Iran (huge human rights abusers themselves) call Israel a genocidal, racist country.