That Luna looks more like Cadance to me, especially in the face. Slap on some eyeliner and she's there.
I understand that. But people seem to be acting as though the perpetrators of this disaster are going to get away with just disappearing. I'm trying to point out that is not the case. I've worked in conventions a long time and have never heard of a fiasco of this magnitude.
Well, honestly, I don't mean the attendees. I mean the venue, the VAs, the paid guests. The con organizers had to produce contracts to secure these things. By not fulfilling their end of the terms, those contracts can be used in litigation for the other parties to recoup their losses.
I'm curious about this. Granted, the fundraising was probably the best method for a short term resolution, but in setting up a convention the organizers had to sign contracts. Whether they bailed in the middle of the night or not, they are legally actionable for failing to follow through on their obligations. They'll be easily found by the documents they provided in setting up the event. The legal proceedings may take some time, but I doubt the people behind this will get away scot-free.
My guess is the Hub isn't sure if the show will be as popular without Lauren Faust. Hence they make a smaller order for the third season until they're sure the audience is going to stick around with a new showrunner. If things continue to do well they may order additional episodes.
My guess is the Hub isn't looking to sell the episodes so I doubt the episode tally, as it stands now, matters much one way or the other. But you could be correct if they're looking very long term.
I'm sorry, but the neither the Discovery Channel, nor its parent company DCI, are owned by the BBC. I'm not sure where people are getting this information.
No offense taken. I don't need anyone else's approval to validate my opinions. They may disagree with me just as I disagree with the need to shoehorn every pony seen on screen into some sort of romantic relationship. No one knows until it's established in canon somewhere. Until that time we're all just playing 'what if' and my opinion is just as valid as theirs, popular or not.
1) I know what a paragraph is smart ass.
2) Have you seen a doctor for this pathological need to make yourself feel superior to everyone?
Nice wall of text, but I was just expanding on your second point where you said "...I believe that is the extent of their relationship". I never said I disagreed with you. I know how it works.