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13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Bill Maher Hopes Palin... · 1 reply · -6 points

but they don;t.. it's just another right wing slogan.... taxes have been decreased... since 2005 2/3rds of major corporations haven't paid ONE dime in taxes... did they create jobs? Nope, they cut their workforce by 20% and pocketed the profits they got from those breaks. Read up on the record breaking profits corps have made over the last decade and get back to me.

Example: Last quarter Exxon made 11.4 BILLION in profit, paid no taxes and even got back 3.2 BILLION in taxpayer subsidies.... they haven;t done any hiring though.

SMALL business create most of the jobs in the US, companies that earn LESS than 250K a year and therefore would be exempt from the tax hike. YOU are the uniformed moron who is more willing to buy into empty slogans than do some research and DARE to be informed.

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Bill Maher Hopes Palin... · 2 replies · -1 points

Real men.... like Glen Beck who attacked Obama's 11 yr old daughter?

Or the Real men I see here everyday calling every liberal women they don't like "whores"?

Or the real men who viciously attacks the women on the View every time this site posts a clip?

Or the Real men I see here who call Michele Obama a "gorilla"?

Are those the "real men" you;re talking about?

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Major Garrett Explains... · 1 reply · -4 points

get rid of ALL tax loop holes? I'm down with that.... but the right will NEVER EVER let that happen.
No chance.

and you're wrong... my brother is an accountant in NJ and the his millionaire clients only pay an average of 21% in taxes when all their options are exercised. If you can leave big chunks of money sitting in special accounts for the interest you make isn't taxed. Most if us don;t have that luxury.

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Major Garrett Explains... · 0 replies · -4 points

wow, some retort, how clever.... but other than "cut taxes for the rich" something we;ve tried several times and something that has always brought us to the brink.. what other "solutions" does the right have to offer?

has there EVER been a platform or bill introduced by the right wing that didn;t put the DESIRES of the rich ahead of the NEEDS of the working class?

Sorry, I know that's a real question... be sure to avoid it as you always do

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Major Garrett Explains... · 1 reply · -3 points

nope, unlike you inbreds who live in some John Wayne 1950's vision of America... I think the tax rate should reflect today's needs... not the 1950's levels we have now.

A lot of those rich people made money off the war...
since there kids didn;t fight in it and they made the profits... why shouldn;t they pay the bulk of the bill?

Why should big oil collect tax subsides when they're making record profits and have been for more than decade?

And why kind of sick moron think corporations deserve to write off their private jets at the expense of ANY social program than helps the sick and elderly?

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Bill Maher Hopes Palin... · 1 reply · -7 points

wow, that's a well thought out retort... if you're 12

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Bill Maher Hopes Palin... · 1 reply · -5 points

hey inbred jed.... climb off your sister for an hour and read up on a few things.

You might learn that calling a black man chimp, monkey or boy are historically racists slurs

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Bill Maher Hopes Palin... · 1 reply · -4 points

I come here to learn what conservative think.... and it's shockingly ignorant, racist and based in hypocrisy

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Bill Maher Hopes Palin... · 0 replies · -4 points

and you're not educated to understand how that name has a different connotation when it's applied to black man, right? Why not call Obama a cracker, after all, the left called Bush one?

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Bill Maher Hopes Palin... · 0 replies · -3 points

naturally you're going to side with your own and not see their attacks as hateful.
I bet you had NO problem with the posters who call Obama a chimp, right?