Once again the voice of reason has found it's way to us, thank you for your insite. Keep on posting I will contiue to read. Keep up the good fight, everyone.
I agree, venting is great, however we will never get to a soulution if we keep going in this direction. Acorn is more oganized then we are and with that being said we will not reach out goals by yammering away into the great nothingness that this site is rapidly becomming. Were are the other conservitive voices i.e. Rush, Levin, O'riley, Hannety ect?
I'll diagree with the arbitrary borders many have fought and died establishing our nation's borders and continue to do so on a daily basis. As for Barrack Hussen Obama being a Marxist I happily agree. Thanks for the post. V
On target. I think we can all agree with you that we have spent the last 40 years or so being lulled to sleep! I awake now, how about the rest of you?
Okay put down the pipe and tune out the MSNBC just for a second okay? Your party has been in control of the house and senate during the last two years and managed to accomplish absolutely nothing. Go Acorn, Go illegal immigrants, and go ahead keep on ignoring the truth.
Please note that our nation’s history, bastardized as it may be in the newly rewritten history books of our liberalized school system even still occasionally refer to those stupid, gun tooting and unfairly taxed individuals known as the founding fathers.
I look forward to your witty retort. Thank You, V
While I do agree that there are a certain amount of “Pitchfork and Torch” types on this page, It does beg the question? Why do you think these folks are so upset? Do you think they just woke up one day and decided to blog just for the sake of blogging, or perhaps something has brought them together and given them a voice? Now keep in mind that I’m not talking about 9/11 or even 9/12, what I am talking about is having waking up day after day and watch a man who the majority of Americans, legal or otherwise voted for and watch him and his congress desecrate the constitution of our once great nation.
While I do agree that there are a certain amount of “Pitchfork and Torch” types on this page, It does beg the question? Why do you think these folks are so upset? Do you think they just woke up one day and decided to blog just for the sake of blogging, or perhaps something has brought them together and given them a voice? Now keep in mind that I’m not talking about 9/11 or even 9/12, what I am talking about is having waking up day after day and watch a man who the majority of Americans, legal or otherwise voted for and watch him and his congress desecrate the constitution of our once great nation.
Well, hello there! I see you are the type that feels the need to stereotype people, it’s okay as far as I am concerned, our forefathers died for you to have the right to pigeonhole people. So go on, get it off your chest have a good cry and continue to turn the blind eye.