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8 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFX-2 – Part 1: YRP · 1 reply · +4 points

sidghfdjghksdgjf I'm so thrilled you're enjoying what this game is laying out for you so far. It's a major shift in so many ways, so I'm glad to see you happy with things and excited to give it a try!

8 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFX – Part 61: F... · 1 reply · +3 points

AAAHHH YOU GOT ANIMA AND THE MAGUS SISTERS, I'M SO HAPPY AND IMPRESSED. Anima's story is really depressing, his poor mother. Though that didn't stop me from making a horrible joke tweet about it a couple years ago. :X

8 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFX – Part 56: T... · 0 replies · +3 points

SWEET, I love the discovery and exploration stuff like this. and I love that you don't even realise how long you've been playing. XD You've found some awesome stuff!

8 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFX – Part 55: M... · 1 reply · +5 points

YESSSS Carrie & I have been wondering if you'd get the Cloudy Mirror charged, I couldn't remember if you had to figure it out for yourself or not. I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU.

Also I really want to explain the thing with the Guado talking about "that child" because it's just a simple little thing you missed that has no bearing on anything but I don't know if that's spoilers, so, rot13? Gurer jnf n thnqb puvyq ehaavat nebhaq va gung ebbz, lbh whfg pbhyqa'g frr uvz orpnhfr bs gur ebpx jnyy bhgpebccvat naq gur pnzren natyr. Gurl jrer whfg fnlvat, guvf xvq urer ol uvzfrys ybfg uvf oebgure va gur svtugvat. Abguvat nobhg Navzn.

8 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFX – Part 52: A... · 0 replies · +3 points

in the regular US edition, the traitor stuff is still there, just without the dark Aeons. it's a really cool thing to see.

8 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFX – Part 52: A... · 2 replies · +3 points

WHOA I've never seen the dark Aeons before, this is so cool. :D

8 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFX – Part 50: A... · 1 reply · +3 points

Catching up as usual!

I'm very amused and intrigued by how different people find their enjoyment in video games. The Jecht Shot is overpowered, so in additional playthroughs, you wouldn't want to use it. My brain had a second of just Not Computing at that, because that is so NOT how I enjoy games. if I'm overpowered, that is AWESOME. XD

8 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFX – Part 49: N... · 0 replies · +3 points

I like blitzball better than basically any other sports in video games? It's math! lol I wasn't really into it until I had to play it a lot for.... reasons... that I can't say... :X And then I got Stockholm Syndrome and I liked it! LOL The music is pretty great, but when I do stuff like that for long periods in games, I always put my own music on for focus.

8 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFX – Part 49: N... · 3 replies · +4 points

AHH I just caught up and I'm so excited for where you are and where you're going. Your reactions, as always, are FANTASTIC and so rewarding. :D I'm sorry I don't have actual substance to contribute. X)

8 years ago @ http://coldrungaming.b... - FFX – Part 45: D... · 0 replies · +2 points

thumbs up for Eddie Izzard always.