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2 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Double Shenanigans · 0 replies · +1 points
2 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Double Shenanigans · 2 replies · +3 points
I'm also rereading various Wheel of Time, Stormlight Archive, and A Song of Ice and Fire books for the blogs and podcasts I follow.
And I'm rewatching Mark Reads Discworld and Mark Reads Enchanted Forest Chronicles videos over and over and over, partly for the Terry Pratchett Book Club blog series on Tor and partly because they're my literary comfort food. Though that's less comforting at the moment, because the Terry Pratchett Book Club is covering Interesting Times and the blogger Emmet Asher-Perrin *likes* it and thinks the cross cultural commentary is "mostly done well," particularly praising some bits Mark and the Mark Reads commenters called out as particularly awful and racist. I'm baffled and don't know what I should do. I didn't expect this of Emmet, who has called out other problematic features in earlier Discworld books. I'm not qualified to personally judge the intricacies in this book's bout of bigotry, and I don't want to pick fights which would be prohibited in those heavily moderated comment threads anyway, but I feel like it's wrong for me to say nothing after all of the work Mark and the Mark Reads community have done to explain why the book is harmful and Not OK.
3 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Double Shenanigans · 0 replies · +1 points
Nf vg unccraf, AF unf orra hacyrnfnagyl ivivq va zl zvaq sbe gur cnfg guerr zbaguf. Ba zl erernq, Zbvenvar rngvat n znffvir zrny nsgre ure Nrf Frqnv grfg fcnexrq n oynmr bs rail orpnhfr vg jnf n srnfg fur *arrqrq* naq jnf *tvira* naq jnf *culfvpnyyl noyr* gb rng. N fhpprffvba bs bgure sbbq-fnibevat obbx punenpgref shryrq gung sver, va juvpu V'ir orpbzr xrrayl njner bs zl bja qvfbeqrerq rngvat cnggrea naq gur ernfbaf sbe vg, naq pbzr gb erfrag rirelbar va gur zhygvirefr jub'f noyr gb rng jvgubhg funzryl frys-whqtrzrag be varivgnoyr culfvpny qvfpbzsbeg, ohg V pna cbvag gb AF nf gur svefg. Fb V'z abg irel unccl gbjneq Zbvenvar evtug abj, naq vg'f whfg nf jryy V jba'g jngpu gur fubj hagvy fbzrgvzr nsgre guvf frnfba svavfurf naq V pna jngpu vg nyy va na Nznmba Cevzr serr gevny crevbq.
3 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Double Shenanigans · 0 replies · +2 points
3 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Double Shenanigans · 2 replies · +2 points
Zl sevraq vf n qribgrq JBG sna, naq npgvir va gur snaqbz. V qba'g rkcrpg fur unq sbetbggra gur pbagrag bs AF. Ohg V'yy xrrc gung va zvaq.
3 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Double Shenanigans · 5 replies · +2 points
3 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Double Shenanigans · 0 replies · +1 points
I'm reading my way through the multi-series "Parasolverse" works of Gail Carriger, a steampunk-Victorian-AU urban fantasy paranormal romantic comedy of manners with much queer representation and found/adoptive family. It brought on a mess of uncomfortable feelings, including a lot of intense envy, but it has pushed me to address my disordered eating patterns and food/body-shaming of myself, a project limited by a set of physical factors.
3 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Double Shenanigans · 1 reply · +3 points
I have a special fondness for that story, because the language is so beautiful and vividly-descriptive (my favorite thing in a story) and because I had fun performing in a theater-class production of it when I was twelve. And I live in a part of upstate New York that's...not much like 1790 Sleepy Hollow but close enough that I can picture the setting with some detail and familiarity.
3 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Double Shenanigans · 0 replies · +2 points
I still habitually say "Alrighty then." And would like an opportunity to use one of his insults from Ace Ventura 2 -- "Your idea is like your lower intestine. Stinking. And full of rubbish."
*My favorite Jim Carrey performance was in A Series of Unfortunate Events (film, not TV series) where he hammily blended sinister and hilarious like nobody else could IMO. But I think he's a great Ace Ventura too.
3 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Double Shenanigans · 0 replies · +1 points
It's interesting and impressive that Tyn managed to attract angerspren with entirely feigned anger. Unless she was deliberately thinking about something else that made her genuinely angry, yvxr Funyyna qryvorengryl qbvat fcrpgnphyneyl rzoneenffvat guvatf gb nggenpg funzrfcera VVEP. Emotionspren would be expected to make tbis type of deception especially difficult on Roshar, but apparently they can be manipulated to facilitate it.
Funyyna'f punapr zrrgvat naq pba negvfg genvavat jvgu Gla pregnvayl cebirq freraqvcvgbhf va cebcryyvat ure ba ure pnerre cngu nf n Yvtugjrnire, fcl, naq fclznfgre.