


43 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ NewsReal Blog - Tony Stark Meets Obama... · 0 replies · +2 points

maybe it was all to obvious because you were looking for it, but I thought quite the opposite. I loved the politically incorrect humor, the 'shove it up your.....' attitude toward congress and big brother government.

Our family of 5 saw it last night and thoroughly enjoyed the escape! I agree it left us wanting more in that we are excited for the next installment which was obviously left wide open with the introductions of Nick Fury and The Avengers

I think my only complaint is aimed at Paltrow ...which is the same complaint I had for the first movie.

14 years ago @ Allied Liberty News - Slap Chop · 0 replies · +1 points

aww come on Manifesto dudes! You know you are paranoid about your toilette paper rights being infringed upon....admit it.

Alrighty...I couldn't help my ADD brain from shooting off into a million directions on this one but ............

I tried to maintain a linear path of thinking while reading the 'commentator's comment' but I digress, my brain shot off to Sheryl Crow...on the toilet paper insult. http://www.newsbusters.org/node/12226

It is obvious I don't think you are paranoid and I do have some experience in your knowledge on history among other subjects. So you are correct....commentator's comments were almost entirely irrelevant other than for a good laugh about Sheryl "one square" Crow.

I remember my kids coming home with this idea from school one day....I was PISSED to say the least...or rather quite cynical and humorous about it (not really pissed). I retorted "Who the hell is Sheryl Crow to tell me how many frigging squares of tp I should use while wiping my bottom (ok I said a$$)....heck if I want to fashion a huge toilet paper conveyor belt and use 40 rolls for one a$$ wiping it is my RIGHT to do so".....yeah....over and above...but no less ridiculous than Miss Pop Star One Square suggesting we lowly citizens start going Arab on the butt wipe.

No further comment...quite humorous to witness uninformed commentator's finest form....lack of info!

14 years ago @ Allied Liberty News - Viral of the day: Left... · 1 reply · +1 points

HEY< take a look at the picture. specifically pay attention to the Marine in the background to the left of the POTUS....I do know this....any ribbons, medals or other awards will be on the Marine's left breast of the uniform NOT the right...this picture is or has been photo shopped to Mirror image....just sayin....If I am wrong, I am wrong, but the Marine's uniform for me is a dead give away that something is screwy

15 years ago @ Allied Liberty News - Going Rogue: A Book Re... · 1 reply · +1 points

KOOK! How can you encourage and thank that poor individual's self-deprecation?

Do it again...it is funny!

15 years ago @ Allied Liberty News - Reading material for t... · 0 replies · +1 points

I like that analogy I think her dad gave..."she isn't retreating, she is reloading"....HECK YAH, and so are we Sarah....

15 years ago @ Allied Liberty News - Reading material for t... · 0 replies · +1 points

YAY, I am eagerly awaiting my copy.....I ordered it....with another book...and the trusty USPS is making sure to provide anticipation

15 years ago @ Allied Liberty News - Open Border Policy · 0 replies · +1 points

YOU really summed this issue up great! so great I copied off and posted to my facebook...of course a hat tip your way....an kooks....

15 years ago @ Allied Liberty News - Why the (His)Panic, Wh... · 0 replies · +1 points

THIS WAS great! Awesome post, thanks so much!

15 years ago @ Allied Liberty News - Open Border Policy · 1 reply · +1 points

"They have endeavored to increase the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Immigration of Foreigners; forcing others to encourage their unlimited migrations hither, and lowering the restrictions on Appropriations of Domestic Resources."


15 years ago @ Allied Liberty News - Fixing an error · 0 replies · +1 points

hey, get China over here to seed your clouds