You should – its more probable than a god miraculously appeared, then decided to create the universe. S. Hawking: ‘Science predicts that many different kinds of universe will be spontaneously created out of nothing. It is a matter of chance which we are in.’
Nor do a significant number of american catholics; 'The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life’s recent U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey has unearthed evidence of an identity crisis among American Catholics. “More than four-in-ten Catholics in the United States (45%) do not know that their church teaches that the bread and wine used in Communion do not merely symbolize but actually become the body and blood of Christ” Can these people be called catholic if they dont believe in transubstantiation for whatever reason?
"Because there are laws such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the Universe going." Stephen Hawking.
Yes, the photos of the Earth from space are astounding. The Earth is one of untold billions of planets that are probably out there, but I suggested you look at the photos of the early universe. Again you came back with a diversion, this time about an imagined insult. I think youre refusing to consider what these photos mean for the creation story because you cant accept the implications. Yes, you are entitled to your irrational beliefs, but you should not present them as the truth. As I have said before, religion I corrupting.
Christ returns as a biscuit?!! ROFL
jpm, No, your reasoning is flawed. An omnipotent god would surely be able to communicate a true meaning. Surely you believe many such examples of true communications appear in the bible, otherwise your beliefs would be groundless. If the word "shortly" has a meaning to god that is different from the way humans commonly measure time, then this god has failed to communicate anything. If he is thinking of a thousand years when we think of a day, or vice versa, then we don't know what he means. What kind of revelation is it that systematically confuses? What is true of the Bible in this instance is true of it in general: it holds no hope at all.
jpm, Revelation 1:1 says that Christs return must shortly come to pass. But 2000 years later and these it still hasn't happened. Obviously a failed prediction and with this failure the whole edifice of the bible comes crashing down.
Oh, I do apologise. I didnt realise you were so sensitive. Relatedness isnt a reliable indicator of any characteristic, my niece is a a talented artist, but I cant draw a jot. Its still not too late to reevaluate the leap of faith you made. We now know a lot more about the universe than your dad couldve imagined. Look at the recent photos of the early universe. Those are clear evidence against the creation myth.
Hey, dont throw your toys out of the pram.
You have probably been told what to believe by those you trust. They probably have their own baggage. So, look at the evidence, decide whether its truly reliable and make up your own mind.
Reality Dawns (irony), you avoided my points about Cardinal Pell and the last pope's support of evolution. Instead you introduced witch burning, which is yet another sad example of christian intolerance. Good job you didnt mention gays in the same text.
Does your mum allow you out on your own?