


225 comments posted · 3 followers · following 5

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - Who Could Not be Happy... · 0 replies · +11 points

We do protect our children, nimrod. Eggs, even fertilized ones, aren't children. Even the most dense Christian should be able to understand that. Do you have chicken over easy, or scrambled chicken, for breakfast?

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - Who Could Not be Happy... · 13 replies · +17 points

What is the penalty for the eagle if it destroys its own egg?

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - 180 is Coming... · 0 replies · +1 points

In reality that is true.

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - 180 is Coming... · 0 replies · +3 points

I like a nice onion bagel.

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - 180 is Coming... · 0 replies · +5 points

You forgot. Jesus was just a man, nothing more. Your human reasoning is, sadly, non-existent. Please provide the passages where he corrected this Jewish thinking and practice. Also, was Jesus a part of the triune God "In the beginning"? If so, then he would be culpable, along with the Father, in the murder of countless unborn. I know, they deserved it. Right? Also, why does God collect peices of p-enis? And why aren't dinosaurs mentioned in the Bibble? Do you deny their existence? And why don't the prophecies of Jesus come true? Do you believe in the wandering Jew? And how far does one have to one's mind wander from sanity to believe what you believe? I want answers. NOW.

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - 180 is Coming... · 0 replies · +8 points

Yeah, more likely prophecy loons are the answer. As Jesus said when he was riding his T-Rex around Nazereth, "Trust not in science, trust in prophecy loons with no followers." Don't be fooled by "facts" and "evidence", trust thee in silly myths. He then flew to Jerusalem on Pterodactyl Airlines.

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - 180 is Coming... · 0 replies · +7 points

Swing and a miss.

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - 180 is Coming... · 0 replies · +5 points

You don't know what you're talking about.

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - 180 is Coming... · 2 replies · +7 points

He would poke little Jesus holes in the condoms.

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - 180 is Coming... · 6 replies · +13 points

Ray, why are people like you against common sense measures that would actually reduce the number of abortions in this country? You know, like better sex education and easier access to birth control. Why don't you give out a truckload of "morning-after" pills to these college kids? Do something useful.