Our Constitution GUARANTEES our RIGHT TO LIFE, LIBERTY AND PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. This "end of life" COERSION by our government is a direct violation of the RIGHT TO LIFE. Our congress and president should be ASHAMED of themselves.
It's shocking to see our representatives in Congress and the Senate ignore what's happening in this country. The mere fact that there is NO ONE in Congress - except for maybe Michele Bachman raising a voice about what's happening is absolutely unbelievable. Just like in every other country run by a dictator - Congress and the Senate will eventually become a useless, bloated rubber stamp. THEIR ancestors would be stunned and appalled at their actions.
Hey, this administration and congress are such cowards.
Cowards! According to the rally which will be held on 8/22 there will be a LOT of people out all over the country - they can't ignore us for ever.
You're right, Terri. Our REPRESENTATIVES are refusing to HEAR what we are saying - REFUSING to do what we want them to do. Apparently thousands showing up at various town halls is not enough. I think it has to be MILLIONS marching on Washington.
I honestly don't think any of them know what they are doing. I think they've forgotten - this is NOT about them. It's about OUR kids! I don't want my daughter and grandchildren's future squandered by these people.
Thank you VERY much for posting these. I'm forwarding to people who'll continue forwarding. We have to encourage people to keep protesting. We're going to force Washington to accept the fact we aren't going to accept this.
I never doubted this man would raise everyone's taxes. He's outright lied about everything. Their policies are making everything worse. It's their blatant waste and favoritism which is especially disgraceful. B.O. dared to say "No one messes with Joe', when he put that @$$ Biden in charge of following the money - and then Biden says there's bound to be some missing money. How do you lose BILLIONS? WHY is money pouring out to pay for various projects overseas ? WHY is money going to pay for turtles, rats, mice, bugs, otters and houses, cars and credit cards for people who cannot afford them in the first place? WHY are the hardworking, honest American taxpayers and companies being forced to pay the tabs for illegals, tax cheats and incompetents? The road I live on looks like it's been chewed up and spit out. Businesses have closed. And B.O. is the new King George! He's even going to issue death sentences in their healthcare bill!