overcharging. learn how to spell please.
my opinion is that you may be in that percentage. Now we know.
HPV, and cervical cancer are rarely fatal. Aids is 100% fatal granny, and disproportionally effects homosexuals. Why? Because the hiv virus is far more infective in the tissues of the anus than in the vaginal walls or urethra. So it would lead a reasonable person to believe....DONT HAVE ANAL SEX! Older people with liberal views make me sick. I wonder what your grandkids would think if they knew you were making the world worse for them. You should be ashamed.
Time to do a little learnin' fore u talk more bout paliticks.
NEWSFLASH!!!! When the people have a chance to vote on this(and I mean WHEN), Its going to be overturned. California banned it of all places.... and we will too, just a matter of time. You gotta thank the liberals on this one though people. When you try to change so much so fast people will rebel. So thank you to people like CTIGER, because they are too foolish to realize they have already lost.
Stop whining about this and realize its already over for you. ;P
I agree robert. I am seeing the most hardcore liberal friends I have slowly start to dispise their own party. While they may not have necessarily changed their views, its becoming obvious that many people already see through the BS. I can't wait for the next election!!!!! They are going to lose huge players...bye bye Harry Reid!!! LOL
You gave nothing of the sort. I can remember seeing you posting ridiculous things about Bush before I ever signed up here. I voted for Clinton, Gore, Kerry, and would have voted for ANYONE but Obama. People like you are making numerous people change their views. Don't believe me, believe the polls. You have already failed.
Democrats can dish it out for years, then expect us to "come together" now. Pretty funny! I am personally going to fight these people as hard as I can. I am going to be laughing hardest next election when the democrats have accomplished nothing, even with a president and majority senate.
Marriage, civil union.....call it what you will.....it's obvious you have neither.
personality difference from a internet posting? Wow, you are pretty sad! You seriously do live your life through an internet persona huh?