


2 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

16 years ago @ All Ham Is Good Ham - Pass Go and Collect $2... · 0 replies · +2 points

I'm producing and directing a documentary about the game of Monopoly called "Under the Boardwalk." It will feature interviews with some of the top players from around the world, as well as cover the history of the game and showcase how Monopoly has become such a huge worldwide phenomenon.

You can check out a teaser trailer, some clips from the interviews and follow our progress as filming continues at

If you are passionate about the game of Monopoly, I urge you to check out our website and email us!

16 years ago @ - Pass Go and Collect $2... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm producing and directing a documentary about the game of Monopoly called "Under the Boardwalk." It will feature footage from the US Monopoly Championship described above, interviews with some of the top players from around the world, as well as cover the history of the game and showcase how Monopoly has become such a huge worldwide phenomenon.

You can check out a teaser trailer, some clips from the interviews and follow our progress as filming continues at

If you are passionate about the game of Monopoly, I urge you to check out our website and email us!