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12 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - The Obama Ground Game ... · 0 replies · +5 points

The author appears to be under the delusion that if I knock on a Million doors, a garner a million votes for my guy....

While I'm in CT, and therefore my vote for Romney matters little other than personal satisfaction, my mother, a life-long Democrat, former secretary for the AFL-CIO, president of an environmental group is voting for Romney. And in Middle PA, good luck finding more than a handful of even Democrats voting for Obama.

12 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Liberal Denial Will On... · 0 replies · +13 points

Polls are one thing, but were the liberals in a Coma during the 2010 election? Do they think that the wave of ousting Obamaism from government that led to ousting of over 600 Democrats in elections nationiwde was somehow forgotten? Do they think that those that pulled the R lever then forgot why the did it then, and wouldn't do it now?

All 2010 was anti-Obama. Nothing, but nothing is better now, than then, which by default makes it worse, given the increased time of a bad economy. Now there's a solution besides just voting out Obama's minions, but Obama himself for a guy who is known to fix failing companies.

Right guy for the right mission at the right time.

12 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - The War on Women at MSNBC · 0 replies · +13 points

Andrea Mitchell bends over for the Obama liberal lefty lemming loons, whoring herself out for their cause, and has the nerve to try to call Romney the misogynist.

13 years ago @ - Who Is Rachel Maddow? · 0 replies · +1 points

Had the clue asked,:"Who is this liberal lefty lemming shill whose forced insincere perma-smile permeates a cable news outlet with no viewers" they poor contestants may have had a chance.

13 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - Does Obama Know the Di... · 0 replies · +2 points

Given Obama's obvious hatred for England via their colonial past, is this really shocking that he's stuck on 18th terminology that fits his 18th century grudges?

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Exclusive Photos: Mich... · 0 replies · +14 points

A hypocritical lefty = redundant

13 years ago @ - '60 Minutes' Ambushes.... · 0 replies · +2 points

Kroft, she just called you a what?

Sleep it under the rug for a liberal tyrant wannabe, or doggedly hound the truth and call her spin for what it is.

I can't say I'll be watching to find out what happens, but that's only because CBS News has been an oxymoron for a great many years. Earn my trust, maybe then I'll watch.

13 years ago @ - The Who\'s Townshend s... · 0 replies · +1 points

Apparently you missed the "Name a current ie 2000 to present, guitarist " part and point of the whole sentence. Jimmy Page and Jimi Hendrix are both better guitarists than Townshend, but they're also way pre-2000.

The question was, name a better guitarist Player/Song Writer than Townshend SINCE 2000.

And naming unknown virtuosos like Joe Bonamassa doesn't cut it. You can't be both "in the same league" and "unknown.'

13 years ago @ - The Who\'s Townshend s... · 7 replies · +13 points

A Has Been? What are you 16?

Name a current ie 2000 to present, guitarist that was as creative as Townsend both with the guitar and music written. Good luck with that. There's none even in the same league.

Townsend's point was that iTunes backing creativity would produce a better product for everyone, including iTunes.

13 years ago @ - Thousands protest in I... · 0 replies · +2 points

Building high speed rail only truly is a benefit to traveling salemen on a medium distance route. If they have to travel farther, planes are faster.

If you're traveling to work, GDP isn't increased with a lower commute time.

If you're shipping cars to a dealership, they don't sell any faster due to their ship time.

Cost benefit appears to be lost on lofty infrastructure projects. With no return on investment, High Speed Rail is a money pit expense, not a wealth creator.