46p104 comments posted · 3 followers · following 10
16 years ago @ - Coalition For A Prospe... · 1 reply · +1 points
16 years ago @ - Coalition For A Prospe... · 0 replies · +1 points
16 years ago @ - Coalition For A Prospe... · 1 reply · +1 points
On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:17 PM, B. Nicholson <> wrote:
Being nice is important, but so is correction. Ignorance and preposterous supposition cannot go unchallenged, especially here. I've gone to graduate school in economics, you are what? A history major? "I personally believe that agriculture should be subsidized in this country but not for export. Its a matter of national security for us to produce our own food. The only food we should export is to give to starving people."Did you not say that? The libraries are full of books and I am here at a computer full of fools.
16 years ago @ - Coalition For A Prospe... · 2 replies · +1 points
16 years ago @ - Coalition For A Prospe... · 1 reply · +1 points
Tell me about it. People with big money and two law firms on retainer are formidable opponents in a court of law. I ought to know. Star Wars was my idea. I invented the Force and the story for Titanic was mine, too. I'm personal friends with the Clintons, Spielbergs, even the evil Bushes, and I was with all of them at the very beginning--a lot of good it does me down here on this trash heap, huh? I'm happy, though. Abandoned by the old friends of my youth, my work keeps me warm. I found the cure for drug-addiction, another one for criminal behavior. It's only a matter of time before some nabob repeats my experiment and sees what I have seen. So, don't envy the rich and famous. Instead draw strength from your poverty, there is more power in creativity of desperation than can ever be available to them.
16 years ago @ - Coalition For A Prospe... · 3 replies · +1 points
"I personally believe that agriculture should be subsidized in this country but not for export. Its a matter of national security for us to produce our own food. The only food we should export is to give to starving people."
If America only exported to starving people, America would starve. In economics we have a mathematical proof that trade benefits always outweigh protectionism, so your personal belief is in error, grave and dangerous error actually. Please think more.
16 years ago @ - B. Schwartz Memorandum... · 0 replies · +1 points
16 years ago @ - B. Schwartz Memorandum... · 0 replies · +1 points
16 years ago @ - B. Schwartz Memorandum... · 2 replies · +1 points
16 years ago @ - International Associat... · 0 replies · +1 points
The most dangerous side effect is jealousy. The pheromone recipient may jealously seek out and wish to inspect the pheromone donor. This has always been harmless, so far. Next, jealousy is caused when the pheromone recipient kisses his/her girlfriend or boyfriend. The mouth-to-mouth osculation partner always detects the pheromone and becomes jealous. Intuition is a chemosense. Use an ethanol-based mouthwash before any mouth-to-mouth kissing since ethanol cuts the pheromone quite well and should diminish jealousy. A quarantine period of about 8 days or so before any osculation is allowed might be a more effective method. So far, (n=72) even the most jealous lover has not resorted to violence, but the feelings are real, so precautions should be taken.
The most uncomfortable side effect is reversion of homosexual behavior to heterosexual behavior. This was a remarkable finding. Of the 8 homosexuals who accidentally became heterosexual, most were soon lost to follow-up, but three interviewees described the switch as uncomfortable, occurring slowly over a few weeks time. None said they would want to go back to being homosexual again, but all said that had they known that chewing the pheromone gum would have had that effect, they would not have participated in the trial. Exclude homosexual criminals or drug addicts from trials.
The effects of chewing the human pheromone gum have been profound and long-lasting. Our first pheromone recipient put herself through college and law school at the top of her class and now works for the Pentagon.
Ethanol consumption negates the pheromone somehow. Father pheromone on chewing gum treatments for alcoholism have failed to produce siufficiant changes in the alcoholic behavior.
Pheromone recipients and donors should not consume alcoholic beverages, party drugs, medications, or even aspirin-like NSAIDs (NSAID activity is anti-pheromonal) for three days before the trial begins. Pheromone donors should be adults males only of father age to the delinquent or drug addict and should also be men of good character and fine reputation.