Well Diane here is what the Liberals are going to do. Your Mommy can stay home for 6 months on EI , therefore 55% of her current wage and look after her. Then your Daddy can stay home for 6 months on EI @ 55 % of his wage to look after her. We'll give you a $1,200.00 tax credit and if she's not dead at the end of the year your SOL and you;ll have to quit school and stay home and look after her or put her in a home because you see Diane my plan expects your granny and all those other old folks to die with a year or less.
Act II of the ongoing soap opera called Helena Guergis’s will have her claiming that she has been diagnosed with battered wife syndrome. This is why she beleived every slimy lie out her hubby's mouth and in turn why she told her own whoppers.
Minaka I like golf and I follow the PGA. I respect Tiger as a golfer because he is good and no one can deny that. I however have never seen him as a role model. He has a nasty streak which is evident when he is doing poorly. Throwing clubs and swearing in disgust because you've hit a poor shot is poor sportmanship and not something a person who can be called a role model does. Becausee of this I've never enjoyed watching Tiger.
I don't know if any studies have been done but I think cheaters are people with narrcistic personalities. They don;t care whom they hurt or what damage they inflict on those they say they care about. They only care that their needs are being meet.
Tiger could learn alot from Phil Mickelson about how a real husband treats his wife and family for better or for worse.
I give this marriage a month, 2 at the most.
Rich thank you for the history lesson about leaders whom have been given time to "grow into their jobs".
Of all these leaders how many of them have had motions defeated becasue of actions by their own party?
You have given me a list of leaders who stayed on in the job despite loses. I'm sure if I had the time and the inclination I could put together a list of leaders who either quit for the good of the party or were forced out of their job by the party they were representing.
Arable land by the acre but not alot of growable land. It is to bad that Toronto and the GTA isn't alot further up north because this area has taken alot of the growable land out of the picture. I also never said that food production would cease. At present farms are 98% family owned. This will change in the next 20 years and all those "factory farms" will be a reality.
As for China producing our food one will have to question the quality. There are many chemicals that are used in other countries that are banned in Canada.
I guess the real question should be do you want a safe reasonably priced food supply or a cheap food supplywho's safety is questionable.
I'm not being hysterical. Canadian farmers are among the best in world and deserve at least a level playing field. People are so removed from food production that they think it can be outsourced to the lower bidder and the quality of that food is the same no matter what the price.
A wigget doesn't compare to food. Food and water along with shelter and clothes are basic to life. I can do without the big screen tv, the computer and alot of other things but not food. Do you want to count on China for your food?
Will it come to the point where Canada produces no more food? I doubt it but it may come to the point where there won't be enough to supply the country cheaply.
I was going to say $100,000.00 and up but I know people would think I was be full of it. I wonder what they would say about a combine for half a million $$$$.
When I say suppliers I mean the ones that supply to consumers (think grocery stores) and not the producers (think farmgate). Go the Ontario Food Terminal in the summer and see what happens to the producers. Those of you who think food will be cheaper because the supply management is dismantled only needs to think back to when the beef farmers were hit with the Mad Cow problem. Beef farmers couldn't even get a dollar a pound from the buyers yet did you see a drop in price in the store?
Mike the products that have quota (supply management) are chickens and milk. All other farming has no quota and anyone can grow as much as they want. The problem is there is no money to be made. From the cheap imports to the increase in input cost farming is a business that not to many people are getting into. Some think that this is fine and that we will always have a cheap supply of food. But with no way of supplyong our food domestically it will leave us at the whim of the suppliers who won't be in this country. What happens to a country that can't feed themselves? Suddenly that cheap food isn't so cheap.