


413 comments posted · 9 followers · following 44

15 years ago @ TipsGoda Dot Com-Tips ... - Expressing Your Feelin... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yea i know that episode.funny. The girl got no clue whats happening.

15 years ago @ TipsGoda Dot Com-Tips ... - Expressing Your Feelin... · 1 reply · +1 points

i wish it can be that simple bro...tap tap melepas ade la kalau nak cepat sangat..;hehe:)

15 years ago @ TipsGoda Dot Com-Tips ... - Your Relationship Need... · 0 replies · +1 points

really?great!congrats! how u guys managed to stay together..ade tips?:)

15 years ago @ TipsGoda Dot Com-Tips ... - How To Tell Your Paren... · 0 replies · +1 points

that's a hard thing in a relationship.but who knows in time, nanti diorang can change their minds

15 years ago @ TipsGoda Dot Com-Tips ... - Expressing Your Feelin... · 0 replies · +1 points

thanks for the comment elims:)

15 years ago @ TipsGoda Dot Com-Tips ... - How to Deal With a Con... · 0 replies · +1 points

hey there.I know you've been through a hard time with your partner.I dont know how to put it nicely or wordly,but the simple truth is..HE DOESNT TRUST YOU AT ALL.not even a single second.And that is going to complicated things.

Blame him 100%? maybe.maybe not.Because as a guy I've been through what he's dealing with.I made that mistake before and learned from that very well.Its all about his insecurities and the thought of him loosing you.(although he will never admit that)

In a way,he's saying "I love you so much im putting so much effort to make sure that no guy will have you and you are only for me" .But what he doesnt realizes is,in the process of doing that,he's hurting you inside.right?

Why is he acting like that? Many reasons.For me,the reason why I acted like that is because of my past history with my previous girlfriend.That experience made me more aware of other guys around my girl and not trusting her 100% or anybody else.Its like i'm traumatised by my past experience.Maybe he is having that kind of dilemma.Again,maybe he's not and he's having his own issues.

Sometimes,he's acting like that maybe because he's not getting enough attention from you.By attention I mean,there's not enough action from you that says "I am your girlfriend and you are my guy."Most guys want that attention.And a clear one too.By not getting that from you,he seeks his own way of getting that kind of attention.he becomes 'controlling'.He wants to feel like he owns you.Dont blame him,all guys have that feeling.(Thats why we want to hold our girlfriend's hand in front of another guy)

I'm not saying you're wrong.Maybe you did give him all that.If thats the case,I only can say..some people are just like that and like to be a controlling freak.If you are really sure he is that kind of person and you did everything you can to make him better(including talking to him nicely and not by attacking his ego.Or get a third person to talk to him),but if he still behaves like that,I say DITCH him.You have to do that.Dont drag.It will be worse.

Notice that I used a lot of 'maybes'.Thats because in your relationship with your partner,there are many factors that made him acted like dont take my words 100%.think about it and think whats the best step and what should you do next.I hope the best thing that will happen is,he'll realizes that he's making a mistake and win back YOUR TRUST on him.

keep me updated and if you wanna talk tom me privately,you can contact on my contact page.All the best.

15 years ago @ TipsGoda Dot Com-Tips ... - Why We Need To Argue · 0 replies · +1 points

arguement always always gonna involve some kind of egoism in it.from one of the sides or sometimes from both sides.Like you said,both need to find ways to compromise with each other..

15 years ago @ TipsGoda Dot Com-Tips ... - Why We Need To Argue · 0 replies · +1 points

thanks for the tip.Arguing well is all about timing as well.Argue to fast,the conversation might heat up again,wait too long,its hard to heal the 'wounds'...

15 years ago @ TipsGoda Dot Com-Tips ... - Your Relationship Need... · 0 replies · +1 points

well put Jamie!;)

15 years ago @ TipsGoda Dot Com-Tips ... - How to Know If a Girl ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hey pearl.Thanks for dropping a comment.
I wonder why girls dont dare to look into a guy's eyes if she likes him,no matter how tough that girl is.Shy maybe?