


81 comments posted · 17 followers · following 31

12 years ago @ The Earth Diver - Werner's Weird Wo... · 0 replies · +1 points

That's ok. Just write something down when you think of it, and if you don't have time to write a post, and if I do, I'll write something up and you can revise it.

12 years ago @ The Earth Diver - Werner's Weird Wo... · 2 replies · +2 points

Yeah, I need to keep watch of the weather reports, I'd a scheduled things a bit differently this week. I'd like to hit the Back Alley again too, before class starts.

Do you have any subjects you'd like covered on the home page?

12 years ago @ The Earth Diver - Werner's Weird Wo... · 4 replies · +2 points

Yeah, I think it will be interesting. Getting 6 credits in 6 weeks is good too. Plus, I'll still have Mondays to hike without crowds.

12 years ago @ The Earth Diver - Werner's Weird Wo... · 6 replies · +2 points

I use sunscreen if I plan on being in the sun for hours, That wasn't my plan yesterday.

Oh well. I'll probably go tomorrow rain or shine, unless it's a monsoon, and again Thursday or Friday. School starts next Tuesday, so I have to get in what I can this week.

12 years ago @ The Earth Diver - Werner's Weird Wo... · 8 replies · +2 points

Sounds a lot like my day yesterday, I fell asleep in the sun and got a bit red in front, but it's already turning to tan. Did get the yard work finished, though.

Yes, it is. I would go for a hike today, but I have work to do for my aunt this afternoon, and don't want to be rushed. Hope it's this nice tomorrow as well.

12 years ago @ The Earth Diver - Werner's Weird Wo... · 10 replies · +2 points

Screw the roses? You better demonstrate exactly how to do that. You be the rose, and show me just what to do. I may need a lot of practice. Two or three hours should be sufficient (Ok, I'm sorry, but you're making it just too easy today). ;)

Yeah, I'm pretty much draggin' ass myself, today. Think I'll take a nap. And dream about roses.

12 years ago @ The Earth Diver - Werner's Weird Wo... · 12 replies · +2 points

Good dead head your roses, huh? Sounds kinky. ;)

Glad you had fun and made it home safe. Good idea about driving or riding. Ok then, enjoy the sun.

12 years ago @ The Earth Diver - Werner's Weird Wo... · 14 replies · +2 points

I'm sorry about your finger. Put it up next to your screen and I'll kiss it and make it better. :)

I was going to say you had time for an hour and a half nap before the party, and you could eat on your way there, but I forgot that it takes you girls more than 15 minutes to get ready. Silly me.

Pebbs is better, but I don't think she'll ever be as good as she was before this latest injury. She's still happy and not in any apparent pain, but I can tell that her brain says 'go, go, go,' but her body says 'no, no, no.' I forgot to tell you that my cat Valentine disappeared a week or so ago. There's no traffic to speak of, and I haven't heard or seen any coyotes in the area for awhile, so I have no idea what happened to her. :(

Ok, enjoy yourself tonight, and make sure you drive home carefully or have a designated driver. I don't want to worry, so I'll try not to. ttyL8r

12 years ago @ The Earth Diver - Werner's Weird Wo... · 16 replies · +2 points

I didn't know that about colds and UTIs. Thanks, I won't worry then.

Yeah, I e-mailed the director an hour or so ago, and am just waiting to hear back. There might even be a video, or so I hope. In the past she's always posted the audio on her website, so there should at least be that in few days.

What did you do to your finger? And no, you're not a dork. We all do dorky things once in awhile, so don't put yourself down. I mean it. :| We had a glass installer out of Stockton who was off work for a month because he was deep frying chicken while he was drunk. He dropped the tongs into the vat, and instinctively tried to grab them, dipping the better part of his hand into the hot grease. Ouch.

Maybe you'll have time to grab a nap after work.

12 years ago @ The Earth Diver - Werner's Weird Wo... · 18 replies · +2 points

Yeah, I just called my mom, and unfortunately she wasn't able to attend. As soon as she got over her bug, she came down with a urinary tract infection. I'm getting kinda worried about her. Anyway, she was going to video the whole thing. I know pictures were taken by the choreographer, so I'll e-mail the concert director and see if she or someone else can e-mail me some photos.

Sorry to hear that. I'm not a real reliable sleeper either, so I have no suggestions for the future, other than to say, "Don't wake up in the middle of the night." Not much help, huh?

Of course, one solution is a strenuous, body draining workout. Now with that, I could help you out. ;)