1p1 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0
15 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Report: Deputies invol... · 0 replies · +7 points
When are we going to stand together and force the legislators and judges to be truly TOUGH on criminals...Especially those low lifes that seek to assassinate our police Officers who are willing to be the last line between us and anarchy. I am getting sick of this! And I do not appreciate a governor, whom I voted for, pointing the blame at Arkansas for releasing that sicko Clemmons when we do the same here. Of the last dozen Officers killed in this state, how many were by individuals who by all rights should not even be permitted to take another breath, much less be out of jail! This is ridiculous! Our Officers need us to stand up for them, so they may continue to protect us with the confidence. The confidence that when they put these pieces of garbage in jail, they do not get released 24 hrs later and start killing Officers because they are looking at 3 strikes...I think I may re-enlist and go back to Iraq for some peace and quiet.