Oh my God. I truly don't know what to say.
I'm all for legalizing pot. Get the feds out of the drug war and leave the issue to the states. However, I always find it funny when a Democrat talks about legalizing drugs. These are the same people that do whatever they can to put down cigarette smokers and to limit their freedom to smoke, then they go and say legalize pot. (And to those of you who laugh at the idea of doing things like legalizing drugs and prostitution, I would suggest looking for John Stossel's recent Fox News special that was on last Friday. He does an excellent job making the case for both of those.)
"Jack-booted thugs?" Why do I get the feeling that this ass was never actually in the military?
So, I wonder what her reaction will be, after the left forces gay marriage on all of society, when a judge starts talking about turning away gay couples because there isn't marriage equality for people that want to marry more than one person.
Conservative? Is there a different Bill O'Reilly that is being talked about here? Anyway, while O'Reilly usually is a bit of an ass and holds some leftist views, he is right in this case. Some people are self-destructive and there is nothing society can do (short of imprisoning them) to stop them. Houston was one such person.
Totally agree with you Morgue.
Agreed. Not sure why what this guy said is suddenly pinned on Beck. There have been articles here at the Bigs that I was surprised to see before and found completely wrong, but I don't immediately say things like shame on Breitbart. I say, shame on the writer of that article. For instance, shame on John Nolte here for repeating the lie that Beck called the Tea Party racist. He didn't. (Morgue above deals with that particular issue quite well)
When I heard Rush saying this today, I had to agree. For an actor, what I hear come from Eastwood on politics is usually good. So I was rather surprised when I heard about the contents of this ad on Monday (I didn't watch the superbowl so didn't see it on the TV. Don't care to watch sports personally.). Like Rush, I'll give Eastwood the benefit of the doubt.
No on besides leftists like her would NOT want their country to have a military so strong that no other country could possibly threaten us. Why in the hell would anyone with even an ounce of intelligence want their country's military to not be the strongest?
Agreed. I think it's time for the Republican Party to go the way of the Whig party. It's clear nothing of any real meaning will get done with the current Republican Party. The best we can ever seem to get with them is slightly less government growth between Democrat presidents.