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12 years ago @ http://912wolverines.com/ - growl · 0 replies · +2 points

I am having some success convincing Gingrich and Santorum supporters to vote for Ron Paul in the remaining primaries, so as to deny Romney 1144 delegates, which would then allow their candidates a chance of getting the nomination in an open convention. Otherwise, Romney reaches 1144 and their candidates have zero chance of getting the nomination.

12 years ago @ http://912wolverines.com/ - growl · 0 replies · +4 points

RCP shows Ron Paul winning Minnesota in terms of delegates, but not yet for Iowa or Washington. I wonder what is keeping them from showing him winning those two states' delegates?

12 years ago @ http://912wolverines.com/ - growl · 0 replies · +2 points

Seasteading on a libertarian island?

12 years ago @ http://912wolverines.com/ - growl · 0 replies · +5 points

The 14th amendment has nothing to do with the term "natural born citizen". The US Supreme Court, in the 1875 case of Minor v. Happersett defined natural born citizens as those born in the country to citizen parents. Rubio was born in the US, but not to US citizen parents, and hence he is not a natural born citizen.

Barry Goldwater was a natural born citizen. His parents were US citizens and he was born on US sovereign territory (the Arizona Territory).

12 years ago @ http://912wolverines.com/ - growl · 0 replies · +3 points

Time for the "old barnacle" to be defeated

12 years ago @ http://912wolverines.com/ - growl · 0 replies · +5 points

Very powerful. Thanks.

12 years ago @ http://912wolverines.com/ - growl · 1 reply · +3 points

Say that 10 times real fast.

12 years ago @ http://912wolverines.com/ - growl · 0 replies · +3 points

His poll numbers in CA are rising.

12 years ago @ http://912wolverines.com/ - growl · 0 replies · +4 points

"Dumb" phone here, too.

12 years ago @ http://912wolverines.com/ - growl · 1 reply · +3 points

His Selective Service Registration form is a forgery, which means that Obama did not sign up for Selective Service, which means that he is not eligible for any federal job, which would include the job of President.