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12 years ago @ Big Government - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 1 reply · +6 points

Coincidences, or....Ever notice how people who could destroy the re-election of a d-cRAT socialist president seem to be silenced before the election....
1. Marilyn Monroe had intimate details of her affair with JFK that would have ensured his defeat for re-election. Thanks to the efforts of Robert Kennedy, Marilyn was silenced before the re-election campaign got underway.
2. Vince Foster knew a lot about the scandals of "monica-stain" bill and hillary clinton, including White Water and Travel-Gate, among others. Vince was silenced before the re-election campaign got underway.
3. Andrew Breitbart, who indisputably knew more of the TRUTH about obama than anyone else in the media, is silenced before the re-election campaign got underway.

Think about it, and be afraid, be very afraid.

12 years ago @ Big Government - Olympia Snowe to Retir... · 0 replies · +1 points

At least the lunatic-left d-cRAT socialists make it very clear that they hate America, they hate Christians, they want to destroy free enterprise and everything else that made America great, and they want to create a bankrupt socialist entitlement state where everybody is a slave to BIG GOVERNMENT. Because of that, I can have more respect for these d-cRAT socialists than for duplicitous, mealy-mouthed, two-faced, unprincipled closet d-cRAT-supporting RINOs like snowe.

12 years ago @ Big Government - Client #9 Fears a Sant... · 1 reply · +23 points

So what's Client #9 really worried about in a santorum presidency - that his daughters WILL NOT be motivated to become prostitutes?

12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Obama Jabs Santorum On... · 0 replies · +1 points

Any rational person would admit that there are MANY jobs for which a college education is a waste of time, money and effort. Examples include:
1. a ruling-class establishment politician
2. a member of the OBOZO regime, in particular, and/or any federal, state or local government bureaucrat, in general.
3. a lamestream socialist media "news" anchor (i.e., a ted baxter word-mispronouncing newsreader that spews forth nothing but leftist propaganda - see #4)
4. every other member of the socialist media including leftist blogs (just repeat what the OBOZO regime, george soros and the JournoList vast left-wing media conspiracy tell you to say)
5. a (self-serving, corrupt, clueless) member of the Federal Reserve
6. a d-cRAT socialist activist excuse for a "judge" (there's no need for complicated things like the law or the US Constitution when all you do is repeat the lunatic-left extremist ideology) - this is especially true for an OBOZO appointment to SCOTUS.
7. a union goon, thug or willing dues-paying member.
8. anybody who votes for BIG GOVERNMENT socialism
9. a socialist indoctrinator (formerly called "teachers")
10. a late-night or an HBO leftist imitation of a "comedian"
11. a member of the #occupy bowel movement (even pre-scholls understand "Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie")
12. a "community organizer" (they can read The Communist Manifesto without college)
13. a member of any professional sports team
14. the head of government motors - just follow orders from your leftist eco-nut masters
15. a crony capitalist pal of OBOZO - you get the taxpayer money regardless of your education

12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Santorum On Obama: 'Wh... · 0 replies · +1 points

Any rational person would admit that there are MANY jobs for which a college education is a waste of time, money and effort. Examples include:
1. a ruling-class establishment politician
2. a member of the OBOZO regime
3. a lamestream socialist media "news" anchor (i.e., a ted baxter word-mispronouncing newsreader)
4. every other member of the socialist media (just repeat what the OBOZO regime, george soros and the JournoList vast left-wing media conspiracy tell you to say)
5. an "economist" on the Federal Reserve
6. a d-cRAT socialist activist excuse for a "judge" (there's no need for complicated things like the law or the US Constitution when all you do is repeat the lunatic-left extremist ideology)
7. a union goon, thug or willing dues-paying member.
8. anybody who votes for BIG GOVERNMENT socialism
9. a socialist indoctrinator (formerly called "teachers")
10. a late-night or an HBO leftist imitation of a "comedian".

12 years ago @ Big Government - Mitt Romney for Vice P... · 1 reply · +12 points

"...the base invites the establishment to nominate a new presidential candidate, on the condition that he or she be one whose conservative credentials are clear. In return, Romney would be guaranteed the vice presidential spot on the Republican ticket..."

I could live with that.

12 years ago @ Big Government - Nancy Pelosi: Vicar of... · 3 replies · +21 points

I will take seriously the Catholic church's "outrage" over OBOZO's callous rejection of their 1st Amendment rights when they prove that they are serious in rejecting of the anti-Christian policies of the lunatic-lefty d-cRAT socialists and FINALLY EXCOMMUNICATE mass abortionist corrupt, crazy pelosi.

12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Mitt Scores AZ Gov Bre... · 1 reply · +2 points

"$3 BILLION sales tax increase for unionist teachers/la raza extremists/socialist -indoctrinators" RINO brewer does the expected and supports a RINO....

Outer Limits commands from the Ruling Class Republican Establishment (with help from their pals: the d-cRAT socialists and their stooges/puppets in the socialist media):

There is nothing wrong with your mind. Do not attempt to think for yourself. We are controlling the information provided for the Republican primaries. If we wish to destroy a conservative, we will bring up the volume of attacks. If we wish to support a RINO, we will tune it to a pleasant sound. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image of a conservative, make it flutter. We can change the focus of a conservative to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity for an establishment RINO. For the remainder of the primary season, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your mind. You are about to participate in a great adventure - the approval of the RINO that we establishment clowns have selected to win the nomination. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to... ANOTHER RULING-CLASS ESTABLISHMENT CANDIDATE LOSER.

We, the Ruling-Class Repub Establishment, hereby command you to support our candidate, RINO romney(care), who will, without doubt, also lose in the general election like our other candidates mccain, dole, george h.w. bush, ford....

12 years ago @ Big Government - Algae-Based Biofuels: ... · 1 reply · +13 points

"Pond Scum" = the PERFECT symbol of OBOZO and his failed presidency.

12 years ago @ Big Government - 'Equal Justice Under t... · 2 replies · +17 points

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION is the lunatic-left d-cRAT socialist endorsed formed of DISCRIMINATION. IT IS WRONG and IT IS DESPICABLE.

Now, isn't that the American Way: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..." -- with the addendum provided by the lunatic-left -- "...except when PREFERENCE is given to those who always vote for d-cRAT socialists."

Pre-OBOZO's "Post-Racial" America: Affirmative Action = giving preference to blacks for PERCEIVED PAST INJUSTICES.
Post-OBOZO's "Post Racial" America: Affirmative Action/"Diversity" = giving preference to blacks in ALL matters, period.

See how things have "improved" under "You Lie!" hussein?

BTW: If leftist training school hAHrvAHrd hadn't practiced AFFIRMATIVE ACTION SPECIAL TREATMENT - which let mediocre student OBOZO in and rejected BETTER ACADEMICALLY QUALIFIED CANDIDATES because they were not the PREFERRED COLOR to meet an arbitrary QUOTA, America's WORST PRESIDENT would still be jimmy "the peanut" carter !!!!