what else is helping is our government is secretly deporting illegals. i know, i live in florida where they took over our construction industry. the dems. tolds us they would only be here doing the jobs we did not want to do. so deport 1 illegal recover 1 job. deport 12,000,000 recover 12,000,000 jobs. no stimulus needed. now it is just going to make it look like the stimulus is working
i did not know he was a RINO
turn a blind eye if it were obama, you would not blame him like you do bush.
man, i thought you were different than kid funkadelic, i guess i was wrong. just another bigoted hatemonger racist. you know you would not like obama if he were white.
we were attacked 8 times under clinton and he just treated as a police matter. they proved that 9-11 was planned for 2 years under clinton, bush just happened to be the one in office. if it were obama in office at that time i believe you would turn a blind eye. obama blamed bush for the bad economy and said his massive spending would fix it ,then he said even more massive spending would fix it. it has not. now he is saying fear is keeping the economy down. this guy was just a shady at best attorney who is not allowed to practice law. his gift is being able to read well but without his teleprompter it comes out uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh.
dwg, you seem to be a hit and run kind of person. why don't you go back up the page and answer to some of the comments sent your way
dwg, go back and answer to your critics
Steele also disputed the view that being homosexual is a lifestyle choice. "I don't think I've ever really subscribed to that view that you can turn it on and off like a water tap. ...You just can't simply say, oh, like, 'Tomorrow morning I'm gonna stop being gay.' It's like saying 'Tomorrow morning I'm gonna stop being black,'" explained Steele.
sounds like a liberal to me.